Friday, 21 March 2025

On The Workbench: River Sections

A long overdue task, now underway, was to complete the refurbishment of my original Purbeck Terrain river boards. The river banks have previously been improved which had been painted to a basic standard. This was done by adding texture including random rocks etc.

An example of a 9" x 9" board with textured river banks. The task now is to repaint the river to make it look a little more realistic.
Continued -
This is the result. Because of the small scale I now use I decided that a more appropriate colour for the river would be similar to aerial photos or google earth images. i.e. almost black. I have added a little blue and lightened the shade towards the banks.

A 'basic' ford.

Not too happy with my version! I struggled to get the right look and had in mind the sort of fords I see around where I live. When or if I get the enthusiasm I will have another go.

The wider 4" rivers.

A little more blue was added towards the middle of the river and over all reasonably pleased with the result. A couple of coats of Woodland Scenics 'water' finished the job.


  1. A great improvement, and well worth effort. I agree the ford could do with a bit more work - IMO the contrast is too sudden and too great with the rest of the river, if you just blended it in with some of the blue I think it would be fine.

    1. I agree with you comments about the ford Rob. Will need to rework those in due course.

  2. Nice work there Jon and certainly better than the bright blue of the original colours, but I must admit I do like a slightly brighter river for my games so that it pops a bit more on the table.

    1. Thanks for that Steve. It is a good point regarding the brighter blue. A look across various examples of river modelling revealed some truly outstanding work, way beyond my capabilities. They did tend to be for 28mm figures and maybe a little less suited to 6mm but nevertheless works of art.
