Saturday 27 April 2019

On the Workbench: 6mm Lutheran Seminary, City building & Redoubts

Two more buildings completed for Grissburg, one also for Gettysburg:

A city (hall) building and the Lutheran Seminary of Gettysburg fame. 

The 6mm figures illustrates the size of these buildings. 

Another view of the Seminary. Both buildings are from Total Battle Miniatures. Although the design of TBM's buildings make them easy to paint, the Seminary was a pain.... all those windows! Satisfying in the end though.

Continued -

Wednesday 24 April 2019

On the Workbench: 6mm ECW Hopton's Bluecoats + more 2mm Austrians

My first English Civil War foot regiment has been completed. This is Hopton's Bluecoats with a 2:1 mix of Muskets to Pike. Figures are Baccus and the same basing method has been used as most of my 6mm of artists card 15mm x 15mm. 

The lighting annoyingly has changed the hew of the blue. The first photo is the most accurate. My limited photographic skills have failed to correct this unfortunately. 

Continued -

Monday 22 April 2019

ACW 6mm: The Battle of Front Royal

23rd May 1862

This scenario is taken from the Guns at Gettysburg Scenarios Book 4 "Stonewall". 

Jackson, reinforced by Ewell's command, sought to force Bank's army from its position at Strasburg by outflanking his position at the northern end of the Massanutten Mountain at the confluence of the North and South Forks of the Shenandoah. Covering this approach was a Federal garrison under Colonel Kenly.

Victory Conditions
Confederate: Capture 2 bridges intact.
Union: Prevent the Confederates from achieving their victory conditions.


Table size 3'9" x 2'3"
Figures: 6mm Baccus
Rules: Guns at Gettysburg

An overview at the start of the battle with initial dispositions. 

Continued -

Sunday 14 April 2019

On the Workdbench: 2mm Austrians and buildings

The 2mm buildings needed for my test game have now been completed along with 2 more Austrian brigade bases:

The buildings are by Brigade Models and are larger than Irregular Miniatures although they are more in scale with the figures. 

I based them on 80mm x 40mm, 40mm x 40mm and 40mm x 20mm mdf bases to provide for a modular style approach. They can be small hamlets up to a small town in size. 

At some stage in the future I will add more to the collection but this will do for now. As originally intended, the 2mm project will move to the background with a continual, but slow, production line under way to complete the figures required.

My attention now switches back to 6mm with an ECW foot regiment primed up. I will then be taking a close look at my WW2 requirements. The arrival of Blitzkrieg Commander IV has provided the spur to get another game on the table to try them out.

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Blitzkrieg Commander IV has landed

A pleasant arrival in the post today was this little gem:

I will avoid reiterating the story behind the withdrawal of BKCIII which can be found on the Pendraken Forum link on the right. Leon at Pendraken did a sterling job of getting it rewritten and as a purchaser of BKCIII this was sent to me as its replacement.

Therefore, my WW2 projects will progress from BKCII to IV. I have had sight of the Beta version and I liked what I saw. Any fan of BKC will almost certainly be pleased with this and brings up to date the production values present in most rulesets these days. A QRS is provided on the Forum together with other optional extras. This will continue to expand over the coming months.

My plans for a WW2 game will be moved forward to give these a try out soon.  

Tuesday 9 April 2019

On the Workbench: More Medieval buildings, 2mm Naps and new deliveries.

On my return from holiday I found some very welcome home parcels:

In the foreground my largest 6mm Baccus order to date. Zulu Wars and ECW mark the start of those projects plus more Spanish Napoleonics and some river sections. Top right is a Heroics & Ros order which almost completes all the figures and vehicles I need for the Landing on Rhodes. There is more stuff also for Op Market Garden.

The unopened packages are buildings and earthworks from Total Battle Miniatures for Grissburg (Nap campaign) and Gettysburg. A few paints, some D10's and flock completed the collection of goodies. 

Unfortunately real world matters restricted my wargaming since return but I did manage to complete these that had been started before my break:

A couple more medieval buildings and another 2mm Austrian brigade base. A slightly different configuration from my previous bases and again represents a 3,500 strong brigade.

These represent the last of the medieval buildings for now and I intend to concentrate on completing the terrain required for Grissburg. The 2mm will continue in slow time including various buildings. I have also prepped an ECW regiment of foot. Could not wait to get started on these being one of my all-time favourite periods that has had little attention over recent years.