Sunday 21 July 2024

Britannia Campaign: Turn 5 - 16th Legion v The Catuvellauni

 I will start with an overview of the campaign situation:

Turn 5: 20th Legion returns to Londinium having pacified the Cantii. In the west. the 2nd Legion moves on the Dobunni tribe who immediately declare themselves as allies of Rome.

In the midlands, the 16th Legion seeks to clear the way for the 9th Legion who are tasked with capturing Mona. The Catuvellauni tribe are expected to be allies and it therefore comes as some surprise to the 16th when they find the warbands arrayed for battle.

The Romans on the left anchor their flanks on a small pond (top of photo) which is impassable to all, and a marsh which is only passable by skirmishers.

The Catuvellauni tribe on the right have their warbands and chariots positioned in the centre with cavalry and some skirmishers on their flanks.

Most terrain is clear and all woods are passable.

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Friday 14 June 2024

Britannia Campaign: Turn 4 - 20th Legion v The Cantii


The situation in turn 4. The Cantii have rebelled necessitating the 20th Legion, held in reserve around Londinium, to be despatched for lessons to be administered.

This is the setting for the next game of the campaign:

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Monday 10 June 2024

WW2 Operation Compass: South of Nibeiwa

My N.Africa campaign continues. 

A reminder of the situation:

It is now 11th December 1940 and the Italian advance has halted with most of their units settling down into fortified camps.
The British counter-attack has begun and the setting for this action is in the south of the map. The 7th Armoured Division has begin its 'left hook' and comes into contact with the Italian 63rd Cirene Division south of Nibeiwa. 

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Thursday 30 May 2024

On The Workbench: WW2 Late War German Infantry + Wargaming Update

Firstly the latest painting progress. A long overdue attention to the Market Garden project - Groesbeek Heights.

Almost complete prior to basing.

The finished figures. Laid out in their battalion formations suitable for BKCIV and Rapid Fire Reloaded. The only complete battalion is in the centre. That on the left is awaiting its HQ base, on the right the HQ and support company. The top right is the beginnings of a 4th battalion and on the left a Divisional CO and FAO. All battalions will be brought up to strength on completion of the next batch.

Figures are a mix of Heroics & Ros and 2D6.

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Friday 24 May 2024

On The Workbench: Pony Wars Terrain

More terrain pieces have been completed for Pony Wars. My first use of cork bark was used to make rocky terrain pieces which will also form rocky passes.

My terrain modelling skills are basic to put it mildly and much of this was trial and error together with guidance from various Youtube videos.

One side is sheer rock face with the rear sloped to allow access for the ambushers!
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Tuesday 14 May 2024

On The Workbench: Pony Wars

A few weeks ago, prior to my splurge on painting ships, I completed all the figures for Pony Wars with the exception of 4 cannon and crew awaiting a new Baccus order. In the meantime I will use artillery from my ACW collection to plug the gap. There are a total of 1,150 figures in the collection.

What follows covers the entire figure collection:

Mounted Braves. 480 have been completed, 120 short of the number recommended in the rules. 

Mounted Braves
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Saturday 11 May 2024

On the Workbench: WW2 Aircraft Carriers Part 3

 The final batch of ships before returning to figure painting is now complete.

Two Essex class carriers and the lead ship of the Bogue class escort carrier. All Davco.
Back left to right: Intrepid, Bogue
Front: Essex

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Friday 3 May 2024

On the Workbench: WW2 Aircraft Carriers Part 2

 The latest on the carrier progress - a quick update:

I have for the most part worked in batches of 3 ships and here is from top to bottom, Shokaku, Zuikaku and Junyo. All Navwar.

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Tuesday 23 April 2024

On the Workbench: WW2 Aircraft Carriers

With the blog having switched to a nautical theme over recent weeks, I post here an update on naval painting, in particular aircraft carriers. I have purchased some flight deck decals from "Flight Deck Decals" (link on the right) which really are superb. They do require some trimming to fit as closely as possible the Navwar models and many are also suitable for Davco. The current naval painting bug has inspired me to crack on with aircraft carriers in particular to utilise these decals.

Royal Navy carriers (all Navwar) from left to right:
Top row; Hermes, Ark Royal, Glorious
Middle row; Ameer, Victorious, Furious
Bottom row: Biter; Indomitable, Eagle

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Friday 19 April 2024

Defending the Malay Barrier: Turn 2, 1st - 15th January 1942, Japanese EAF Patrol v EasGroup (USN) Sweep

The second Japanese patrol was also successful intercepting the USN EasGroup which is the subject of the next game.

The heavy cruiser Nachi with 4 Shiratsuyu class destroyers are on a reciprocal course with the US sweep which it sights at a distance of 23,000 yards (115cm). The US force consists of the cruisers Houston and Boise escorted by 9 Clemson class 4-stacker destroyers.

An overview at the start.
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