Monday, 3 March 2025

Defending the Malay Barrier: Turn 4, 1st - 14th February, 1942. Japanese Patrol intercepts Dutch Sweep

Focussing on the Dutch CenGroup, their flagship has pulled out due to damage sustained in a bombing attack. The flag has been transferred to the light cruiser Java and the group has continued north with the intention of disrupting a Japanese convoy headed for the Malay peninsular.

Before they have any chance of engaging the convoy, they in turn are intercepted by the Japanese Distant Cover Group under the command of Admiral Kondo in the heavy cruiser Atago. 

Nearest the camera are the Dutch consisting of 2 light cruisers and 8 destroyers sailing north west. At the top of the photo is the Atago group consisting of 1 heavy cruiser and 10 destroyers approaching from the north.

The action starts during the 0400 - 0800 watch and therefore during the dark hours at this stage. No ships have yet been spotted by either side. After 10 turns dawn will break.

Neither side has the benefit of radar.

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