Monday, 2 December 2024

On the Workbench: Busaco - French Allies

 Another project completed and ready to play is the Peninsular War Battle of Busaco. 

Originally I intended to include the entire battlefield but after a re-appraisal I thought 'why' when all the action was confined to no more than 2/3 of it. Concentrating on the main action has reduced the number of Portuguese in particular that need to be painted so saving a little time.

With the Anglo/Portuguese forces completed it just left several battalions of French allies:

I apologise for the quality of the photos, which includes the other posts of this batch of "On the Workbench". I do not have the luxury of lighting from all angles and have to rely on a strip of 5 adjustable lights mounted on a strip on the ceiling of the garage. I made some adjustments including with the camera and it was only when I had transferred the photos to the screen that I realised all had not gone to plan! 

On to the details of what has been painted:

Legion du Midi.

Continued -
2 battalions of the Hanoverian Legion.

2 battalions of the Irish Legion.

The large Prussian Regiment.
Another game I would hope to get on the tabletop next year.


  1. Despite your lighting problems Jon, they look very good to me:)! I keep meaning to buy a small pop up photo light booth for my miniatures, but just never get around to it...

    1. Getting the lighting right is very frustrating. You see what can be achieved when you hit that sweet spot but consistency is another thing!

  2. Excellent work Jon.
    My daughter purchased a small light box from Aldi and it works well. Only about A$20 so very reasonable.

    1. Many thanks Ben. Sounds good. Will check to see if Aldi has any here locally.

  3. Gosh, you have been busy. I don't look for for a few days and three posts appear! My excuse was that I'd had some friends down for a few days to game and then got wrapped up in the usual post-game rule tinkering and putting up a post on my new blog.
    Really looking forward to Busaco next year - the accounts I've read, and having climbed up the ridge, make it seem too much for the French but your games always seem to be pretty close run affairs.

    1. I envy you Rob having visited the battlefield. I have never got around to visiting any of the Peninsular sites much to my regret. I saw the lines of Torres Vedras at a distance and that's it!

    2. Busaco, is a bit of a disappointment to visit as the ridge is now almost completely forested so very hard to see the big picture - can't see for the trees.

    3. That is a shame. I did look at Google Earth and saw that it was heavily forested do difficult to picture how it would have looked at the time.

  4. PS you've inspired me to order a small / cheap light box as my photos don't really cut the mustard.

  5. Great work on them Jon
