Saturday, 28 December 2024

Market Garden: Groesbeek Heights Introduction

This is the 2nd scenario in the Rapid Fire! supplement 'Operation Market Garden'. Orders of battle have been converted for Blitzkrieg Commander (BKC) rules. 

This posting will provide an introduction to the game including objectives etc.

Game details:

Table Size 4'6" x 3'

Figures - Heroics & Ros (new sculpts)

Rules - Blitzkrieg Commander IV

My interpretation of the map contained within the scenario book.

Continued -
Orders of Battle

Deployments and Objective

By nightfall on 17th September the 82nd Airborne had secured all its major objectives apart from the Nijmegen bridges. The Dutch underground had warned General Gavin of significant German forces nearby consisting of armour and infantry. 

Fearing a German attack could pose a serious threat to the landing zones for the second lift, he decided to order his troops back from Nijmegen to reinforce his hold on the Groesbeek heights.

At 0630 on 18th September a German attack was launched on the Groesbeek area. This was occupied by the 505th PIR. Historically, the Germans managed to capture the 2nd lift drop zone but were repelled by US Airborne counter-attacks from the heights just prior to the gliders arriving.

The map shows the US deployments. They deploy on the heights and villages and may be dug in. One company must occupy Wyler.

The red arrows indicate the arrival of the German attackers who advance on a broad front. Their objective is to capture the drop zone and hold it until turn 15.


Groesbeek occupied by two companies of the 2nd battalion along with their HQ. The regimental HQ is also based in the village and the FAO has positioned itself in the church tower.



Wyler. An airborne company was isolated here as the Germans advanced on the drop zone.

Beek. A 60mm mortar team take up position covering the approaches from Wyler.

Beek. A 57mm AT gun covers the road from Wyler.

A 2nd 57mm AT gun covers the road from Groesbeek near Mook.

The heights overlooking the drop zone with Groesbeek in the distance.

Two companies, along with 81mm mortar teams, are dug in on the heights overlooking the drop zone. On the left from the 1st battalion and from the 3rd on the right.


  1. Well what can I say? BKC & Market-Garden immediately grabbed my attention and remind me that I might need to get the RF supplement. As always a superb looking set up Jon. The only point I would make is that I don't believe the Airborne forces had access to Air Support, but could be wrong...

    1. Many thanks Steve. You are right that no Air Support was forthcoming. I meant to delete the FAC but having neglected to do so kept him anyway although there would be nothing for him to call upon!

  2. Lovely looking table Jon and I am looking forward to the battle report. Having visited Groesbeek and its area a few times I am very interested.

    1. Many thanks Richard. I envy you having visited the site. Unfortunately never had the chance.

  3. Great looking table Jon and an interesting scenario.
