Tuesday 8 May 2018

On The Workbench: Terrain, terrain and more terrain

A quick update on the workbench in between writing up AAR's. I have gone full on terrain making and painting mode. The plan is to finish the terrain for the next 2 planned battles - "Into the Gap" WW2 in N. Africa and "Big Bethel" ACW. Both in 6mm.

Desert sand dunes, hills and mountains continue their construction process. They are intended for both my WW2 in 6mm and 15mm colonial. The 6 smaller sections nearest the camera are now complete. The terrain tile in the top left of the photo is being 'upgraded' and is drying off before drybrushing. When I bought my commercially produced terrain tiles I requested that the reverse side on several of them be 'sand'. The plan is to paint all these to make them a little more realistic and compatible with my mountains etc. "Into the Gap" will be their first outing. 

The painting table is starting to look a little cluttered with 'Big Bethel' terrain! Swamps are under construction with one almost complete at the top. On the left are earthworks that have been primed and sand added. This should complete all the terrain I need for this battle.

Yesterday's hot weather delayed construction somewhat as a trip into the Quantocks beckoned!


  1. Busy Busy Busy on the painting table I see. Just tidied mine :-)

    1. You wouldn't believe I tidied mine a short time ago. It now looks as though somebody has thrown a grenade at it!

  2. Looking might fine, Jon. Great terrain is always a wise investment of time and money!

    1. I agree Peter. If you can get your terrain looking fine it adds to the atmosphere of the game.
