Saturday 26 May 2018

On the Workbench: 6mm Armour and Vehicles

I took regular time out from my Western Desert game to continue painting a variety of stuff. A brief update on what has been happening this week:

While in the mood for painting WW2 I dug out my remaining unpainted tanks and vehicles for the Western Desert. All tanks are GHQ and other vehicles are Heroics & Ros. Bare metal at the top of the photo are 5 each of Italian M11/39 and M13/40 medium tanks. There are 2 Lloyd carriers which I will probably use for late war.

Primed are 10 x Matilda II's, 2 x Retriever GS trucks and a Morris 15cwt truck with tilt.

Continued -

A build up on the production line! Beyond the Western Desert stuff is a 1/1200 German destroyer Z32, Shermans and other vehicles primed for the late war, and at the top a 1/1200 and 1/3000 HMS Havock. All these will appear on the blog when complete.

Talking of which, after some serious head scratching and help from the 6mm wargaming and terrain facebook group, I have finally settled on this paint scheme for the British armour for 1944. I had a mental block in attempting to get the right shade of green in this scale. These are yet to be finished but reasonably happy with results so far.

Also purchased this week was a PDF version of 'Bag the Hun' by TooFatLardies. I recently listened to a Meeples and Miniatures podcast during which they reviewed this game. It piqued my interest as although I have never really got into air warfare, I have been on the lookout for good air warfare rules. The idea being that it will enable me to incorporate air warfare into a combined arms campaign. 

Which brings me onto 'Op Nostalgia', a fictional WW2 campaign in the Aegean involving an allied operation to capture a number of Greek islands garrisoned by the Germans and Italians. I have started playing this several times over the years since it first appeared in Wargames Illustrated magazine in the early 90's. I am seriously considering another attempt but using primarily 6mm figures with 15mm for small actions. With 'Bag the Hun' it will bring in the air warfare element properly into the game. With 1/600, 1/1200 and 1/3000 ships it opens up new possibilities. I will need to do some serious work on the orders of battle and in due course will update the blog on progress.  

Completed this week:

German armour and vehicles for the 'XXX Corps Breakout' scenario for Market Garden. 


  1. Your 1/300 stuff is very tempting! I'm not sure I could stand to leave my lovely infantry, though.

    1. Thanks Scott. I sympathise with your comments regarding leaving your existing collection. I have a decent sized collection of 15mm WW2 figures which I will be keeping. They will get rolled out now and again.
