Before I return to the game, I thought I would expand a little more on how I am handling fighting in Grissburg. I am using the basics of Built Up Area melees as contained in General de Brigade but adding my own adjustments.
In the rules you designate a building, chateau, farm, village etc as being able to hold 25 or 50 figures. A town such as Grissburg would contain several 50 figure areas within it. I prefer to make it a little more detailed. Each building will be capable of containing a certain number of figures based on its footprint, number of floors etc. As my figures are based 6 to a base the limits for each building is divisible by 6. If the building has a courtyard, garden or space around it on its base, the capacity of that area is purely how many figure bases will fit in/on it.
I prefer to leave my building in situ and I therefore create a template of each building on which I will place figures. For Grissburg this is the current situation:
Continued -
And this is the Industrial Suburbs:
It reduces clutter on the tabletop and easy enough to refer back to the template when buildings are assaulted or fired on.
On with the battle -
Turn 22
Blucher again refuses to abide by his staff's pleas to leave Grissburg.
Blucher again refuses to abide by his staff's pleas to leave Grissburg.
In the middle of the photo, just hidden by the Old Guard, are the 1/3rd Nuemark Landwehr who are now engaged in a 2nd round of melee with the Chasseurs holding the house. Another creditable performance by the Landwehr but not enough to overcome the Guard. They are pushed back but will regroup and no doubt have another attempt at glory.
Having cleared the gardens of Landwehr, the 1/1st Chasseurs now assault the house (middle left). They successfully push out the Landwehr occupants. As Old Guard Grenadiers march towards the centre of Grissburg, Brandenstein appears with his Landwehr (top middle).
The ongoing firefight between the Guard Chasseurs and the Prussian infantry opposite is gradually turning in the French favour. The Line battalion in the compound of the Granary to the right has been reduced to 50% strength by the French.
The Middle Guard are facing a determined resistance to prevent them crossing the river. The squadron of Prussian 11th Hussars charges the battalion of Grenadiers crossing the bridge. It was a valiant effort but they are decisively routed losing heavy casualties.
A battalion of Middle Guard Grenadies charges a battalion of Landwehr who retreats prior to contact. A second battalion is charged who also retreat. The south western corner of Grissburg is now looking bereft of Prussian units.
To add to the Prussian's woes in this sector, the massed batteries of French Guard 12pdrs roll a double '6' when firing on the redoubt. This completely decimates a 12pdr battery just as Soye's Brigade approaches. There is now just one reduced battery of 2 cannon holding the redoubt.
An overview of the attack on the Industrial Suburbs.
The initial attacks by the French on the Industrial suburbs has mixed success. Some attacks are repulsed, however the French did manage to capture the warehouse in the centre of the photo. Stengel leading the 2/19th Infantry that had been held in reserve, counter-attacked driving the French back out.

Attacks on the right including by the tired troops of Gauthier had more success. Prussians were routed from the large brewery compound on the right and progress had been made in breaking up the Prussian resistance between the two buildings.
This turn saw the demise of Schwerin's cavalry. After all the heroics in defeating Vathiez' Lancers, the end came swiftly. With the Uhlans retreating and the Hussars routing in the face of a French dragoon's charge, neither were in a position to rally given the close proximity of French cavalry. Both retreated and routed from the field. Schwerin himself joined his last unit, the 2 gun horse artillery battery (middle of photo).
It was starting to look like the 3rd Corps had at last made real progress in defeating the Prussians between the two northern redoubts. A charge by 2 battalions of Gengoult's brigade caused the Fusiliers of the 10th Infantry to retreat prior to contact. Both battalions crossed the earthworks (middle right) only to find themselves the target of a charge by a battalion of Landwehr held in reserve. A French Line battalion gave them a volley stopping the charge in its tracks leaving the Conscripts faltering.
The 1/34th Line was not so successful. They charged home against the 1/11th Infantry who had refused its right flank in the face of the charge. The Prussians were successful in repelling the attack but this time the French were prepared. Several battalion columns of Dupeyroux's Brigade were now bearing down on the Prussian battalion (middle right). In the background, Prussian artillery re-occupies the north western redoubt.
As the 11th Division prepares to charge the eastern perimeter, they are met with highly effective fire from a Prussian artillery battery. Being in the cover of the woods helped reduce casualties but the 1/33rd Line lost 3 causing it to falter.
Turn 23
An increasingly frantic staff plead with Blucher to leave the Capital but he stubbornly refuses. He will not abandon his men.
The firefight between the Guard firing behind the church yard walls and the 2/15th Infantry secreted in the Granary compound finally comes to an end. The 2/15th could not match the accuracy or fire rate of the Guard and having fallen below 50% strength, fail their morale test and will retreat.
Brandenstein arrives in the nick of time with his column pouring into the Seminary garden. They are faced with an Old Guard Grenadier battalion marching towards them with another deploying within the grounds of the house they have just captured. The small Landwehr unit that had been ejected from the house had now recovered and fired an ineffectual volley towards the approaching Guards.
The western perimeter of Grissburg is looking a little ragged with a mix of units rallying and others fleeing into the arms of the French. The last battery on the redoubt had not finished by any means and pours a very effective cannister blast into an approaching French column generating a morale test which it passed.
In order to shore up the western perimeter, reserve battalions that had been supporting the north western corner were now ordered south towards the western redoubt.
This turn proved to be pretty disastrous for the Prussians holding the Industrial Suburbs. The 1/18th Infantry battalion holding the large brewery to the right succeeding in repelling the first French attack. However, the regiment's 2nd battalion had routed in the face of the French. Col Loebell (far right) attempted to rally them but failed. As they fled the field Loebell failed a Brigade morale test and with a 'Broken' result would mean the 1st battalion retreating out of the Brewery next turn.
Worse was to come. Groben was holding the 1st and 3rd battalions of the 4th Westphalia Landwehr in reserve. One of his battalions where charged by the French column in the middle right of the photo. The Landwehr attempted to counter-charge but routed instead! The French column continued its charge towards the 2nd Landwehr battalion and that too failed its morale test but retreated rather than routed. Both failed their rally tests and a subsequent Brigade morale test failure spelt the demise of the regiment with both remaining battalions fleeing the field.
Units close by wavered at the sight of their comrades fleeing the field with one battalion faltering and another retreating.
Even though 3rd Corps forces have been severely weakened by their assaults on the northern perimeter, the Prussians have not been immune to losses leaving some of their battalions rather brittle. At the foot of the great redoubt can be seen a charge by the French 2/34th Line into the 3/2nd Pomerania Landwehr who had been tasked with plugging the gap. The Landwehr faltered in the face of the charge and were comprehensively routed in the subsequent melee.
3 battalion columns charged the 1/11th Infantry (middle right) who alone was holding the northern perimeter. A steady volley stopped the Swiss battalion on the left which, in its confusion, stumbled into the 2/22nd Line next to them unforming that battalion. The 1/70th Line on the right succeeded in charging home but lost the melee and would be retreating.
The 11th Division now steadily advance towards the eastern perimeter. A battery of Guards Horse artillery has deployed to the right and begins engaging the Prussian battery on this perimeter with canister fire.
The 11th Division are handicapped by rough terrain halving their movement. This gives the Prussians more time to inflict casualties although being conscript, their fire was not as accurate as it could have been. Nevertheless, casualties were inflicted on the French columns.
Turn 24
The 2/1st Chasseurs of the old Guard were determined to retake the house they had been ejected from. Having reformed they charged the house successfully forcing the defending Landwehr to retreat. They were once again in possession of the building (middle right).
The Seminary garden became the scene for intensive fighting. Brandenstein leading the 2/1st Pomerania Landwehr charged the 2/2nd Grenadiers of the Old Guard. In an intense melee the Landwehr succeeded in overcoming the Guard forcing them to fall back.
With Prussian units now appearing near the main town square in a state of disarray, Blucher's staff were becoming increasingly concerned that if they do not effect his escape soon it may be too late. But still Blucher refused to move.
The rallied 2/1st Elbe Landwehr boldly charged the 1/4th Grenadiers of the middle guard who counter charged. The Landwehr performed well only narrowly losing the melee. They were pushed back.
Soye's Brigade climbed the slopes of the western redoubt with one battalion charging the last remaining battery. A blast of canister brought the charge to a halt. In the top right, Prussian battalions hurry to stabilise the perimeter in this sector.
The French charged the warehouse on the left but were repulsed. In the middle of the photo, the single troop of 3rd Silesia Landwehr cavalry charged the 2/100th Line who had been approaching in march column along the road. The French battalion promptly routed but was unable to put enough distance between them as the Prussian cavalry rode into their panicked mob.
With the large brewery now evacuated of Prussian troops, French columns were now free to advance on the remnants of defenders in this area.
Once again the French struggle to hold the gains they have made along the norther perimeter. One of Gengoult's battalions flees the field with the Brigade subsequently failing their morale test. The battalion in the middle left will retire the next turn almost entirely cancelling out the gains made.
The 11th Division struggles through the rough ground as they approach the eastern perimeter defences. They are faced with repeated volleys from the defending Landwehr.
The Prussian battery fires off another round of canister at the 1/33rd Line shredding many of their number and causing them again to falter. They suffer themselves as the Guard horse artillery battery in the lower left blasted them with canister taking out one of their guns.
Turn 25
The 2/2nd Chasseurs of the Old Guard, who had moved out from the church, now assaulted the Granary expelling the occupants.
In the Seminary Garden Brandenstein urged his victorious Landwehr to attack a battalion of Grenadiers that had become unformed by the unit that had been pushed back. As they charged across the garden they were fired on by Guards in the garden of an adjacent building (middle left). The 4 casualties they lost was enough to halt the charge and the inexperienced troops faltered.
A concerted attack on the chateau adjacent to the south west redoubt was made by two Guard battalions.The 1/4th Grenadiers attacked the perimeter wall with the other battalion attacking the buildings. The 1/4th were pushed back with the smaller battalion routing. Not a great start on the Chateau!
The 2/4th Grenadiers had more success.They charged the large semi-timbered building in the middle of the photo and easily repelled the occupants.
The 2/3rd Grenadiers were caught in square formation by the charging Landwehr column. The Grenadiers were pushed back.
An ominous sign for the Prussians. Soye's Brigade takes the western redoubt with the Prussian horse artillery battery hurriedly limbering up and evading the French charge. 2 Prussian battalions seek to reclaim the redoubt.
The troop of 3rd Silesia Landwehr cavalry (middle of photo) hacked into the routing 2/100th Line causing them to disperse. Clearly getting over-excited by their success, they launch into an uncontrolled charge towards the nearest enemy (will be resolved in the next turn).
Two French battalions charge the industrial building (upper middle) quickly overcoming the Conscripts of the 2/4th Silesia Landwehr who rout.
French columns now build in preparation of destroying the last Prussian units in open ground on their right flank.
The 11th Division finally launches its charge with 4 battalions hitting home. 3 of those struck the 3/2nd Neumark Landwehr (middle of photo). The sheer weight of numbers overwhelmed the Landwehr with the battalion losing over half its number and will retreat the next turn. On their right the 2/3rd Silesia Landwehr was also defeated and will retreat.
Turn 26
Blucher again refuses to leave despite the battle getting ever closer. As a precaution he does accept one of his ADC's suggestions to take the 3rd Hussars on a scouting mission to prepare the ground for an escape route if necessary. In the middle of the photo the ADC has joined the 3rd Hussars but as yet is unable to move due to the press of men blocking the route out from the town centre. Here the 1/3rd Neumark Landwehr is assaulting the Granary which is in the process of being occupied by a French Guard battalion. They are repulsed and will fall back next turn.
The 1/2nd Grenadiers of the Old Guard charge the faltering 2nd Pomerania Landwehr who retreat prior to contact. The Grenadiers however, are exposed in the Seminary garden as smoke erupts from the Seminary windows. 3 Grenadiers are brought down by the fusilade.
With the continual need to plug gaps in the line, reserves are running low. Here a lone Landwehr battalion prepares to counter the Middle Guard who are assaulting the south western outskirts of Grissburg.
As the French pour through the Prussian defences around the Industrial suburbs, all does not go well for them. Upper right of the photo, Hymmen has lead the 2/29th Infantry in a highly successful charge routing two French battalions. In the ensuing chaos the two French battalions in front of the large brewery take fright with both retreating next turn. Another French battalion retreated and one of the routing battalions failed to rally fleeing the field. The problem surfacing for the French in this sector was that many of the battalions were becoming increasingly worn with some suffering heavy casualties having been in action for most of the day. This made the more vulnerable to morale tests.
One small action (middle far left) was the troop of 3rd Silesia Landwehr launching into an uncontrolled charge. They were met with a volley from a French battalion in line killing one of their 3! Their charge faltered as a result.
In the middle of the photo the 1/11th Prussian infantry charged the Swiss battalion and the 3/22nd Line. The former counter-charged but the latter faltered. Incredibly the heavily outnumbered Swiss won the melee pushing back the Prussians.
The situation for the French in the area between the two redoubts was not good. Once again they had broken through only to be repulsed by Prussian counter-attacks. They are now almost back to where they started.
At last Blucher sees sense (he rolled a '6'!). His staff have convinced him there is no prospect of holding the capital and to have any chance of retaking it will require his leadership together with the loyalty of his troops. Here an ADC leads the 3rd Hussars into the suburbs.
The 5th Division that had been held in reserve is now ordered to attack the south eastern sector of Grissburg and to assist the struggling 11th Division.
The 1/1st Pomerania Landwehr assault the semi-timbered house in an effort to retake it but fail and will retreat disordered.
The 1/1st Elbe Landwehr were engaged in the second round of melee with the 1/4th Chasseurs of the Middle Guard when they were charged in the flank by the veteran 2/1st Line of Soye's Brigade. They suffered heavy casualties as the Line battalion ploughed through their flank causing the Landwehr to rout.
The Prussians go on the counter-attack as Stengel leads the 1/19th Infantry (middle right) in a charge on a French light battalion. The French battalion were caught by surprise and routed in the face of the charge.
One bright spot for the French was the arrival of the 2/1st Light battalion of Baudiun's Brigade that had been left behind by the general advance. It charged the warehouse on the left defeating the Landwehr occupants.
A top down view of Grissburg indicating buildings captured by the French. Most have been at the hands of the Old Guard who have relentlessly pummelled their way through the town. The black arrows are the planned escape route of Blucher. He is in a precarious position!
Turn 23
An increasingly frantic staff plead with Blucher to leave the Capital but he stubbornly refuses. He will not abandon his men.
The firefight between the Guard firing behind the church yard walls and the 2/15th Infantry secreted in the Granary compound finally comes to an end. The 2/15th could not match the accuracy or fire rate of the Guard and having fallen below 50% strength, fail their morale test and will retreat.
Brandenstein arrives in the nick of time with his column pouring into the Seminary garden. They are faced with an Old Guard Grenadier battalion marching towards them with another deploying within the grounds of the house they have just captured. The small Landwehr unit that had been ejected from the house had now recovered and fired an ineffectual volley towards the approaching Guards.
The western perimeter of Grissburg is looking a little ragged with a mix of units rallying and others fleeing into the arms of the French. The last battery on the redoubt had not finished by any means and pours a very effective cannister blast into an approaching French column generating a morale test which it passed.
In order to shore up the western perimeter, reserve battalions that had been supporting the north western corner were now ordered south towards the western redoubt.
This turn proved to be pretty disastrous for the Prussians holding the Industrial Suburbs. The 1/18th Infantry battalion holding the large brewery to the right succeeding in repelling the first French attack. However, the regiment's 2nd battalion had routed in the face of the French. Col Loebell (far right) attempted to rally them but failed. As they fled the field Loebell failed a Brigade morale test and with a 'Broken' result would mean the 1st battalion retreating out of the Brewery next turn.
Worse was to come. Groben was holding the 1st and 3rd battalions of the 4th Westphalia Landwehr in reserve. One of his battalions where charged by the French column in the middle right of the photo. The Landwehr attempted to counter-charge but routed instead! The French column continued its charge towards the 2nd Landwehr battalion and that too failed its morale test but retreated rather than routed. Both failed their rally tests and a subsequent Brigade morale test failure spelt the demise of the regiment with both remaining battalions fleeing the field.
Units close by wavered at the sight of their comrades fleeing the field with one battalion faltering and another retreating.
Even though 3rd Corps forces have been severely weakened by their assaults on the northern perimeter, the Prussians have not been immune to losses leaving some of their battalions rather brittle. At the foot of the great redoubt can be seen a charge by the French 2/34th Line into the 3/2nd Pomerania Landwehr who had been tasked with plugging the gap. The Landwehr faltered in the face of the charge and were comprehensively routed in the subsequent melee.
3 battalion columns charged the 1/11th Infantry (middle right) who alone was holding the northern perimeter. A steady volley stopped the Swiss battalion on the left which, in its confusion, stumbled into the 2/22nd Line next to them unforming that battalion. The 1/70th Line on the right succeeded in charging home but lost the melee and would be retreating.
The 11th Division now steadily advance towards the eastern perimeter. A battery of Guards Horse artillery has deployed to the right and begins engaging the Prussian battery on this perimeter with canister fire.
The 11th Division are handicapped by rough terrain halving their movement. This gives the Prussians more time to inflict casualties although being conscript, their fire was not as accurate as it could have been. Nevertheless, casualties were inflicted on the French columns.
Turn 24
The 2/1st Chasseurs of the old Guard were determined to retake the house they had been ejected from. Having reformed they charged the house successfully forcing the defending Landwehr to retreat. They were once again in possession of the building (middle right).
The Seminary garden became the scene for intensive fighting. Brandenstein leading the 2/1st Pomerania Landwehr charged the 2/2nd Grenadiers of the Old Guard. In an intense melee the Landwehr succeeded in overcoming the Guard forcing them to fall back.
With Prussian units now appearing near the main town square in a state of disarray, Blucher's staff were becoming increasingly concerned that if they do not effect his escape soon it may be too late. But still Blucher refused to move.
The rallied 2/1st Elbe Landwehr boldly charged the 1/4th Grenadiers of the middle guard who counter charged. The Landwehr performed well only narrowly losing the melee. They were pushed back.
Soye's Brigade climbed the slopes of the western redoubt with one battalion charging the last remaining battery. A blast of canister brought the charge to a halt. In the top right, Prussian battalions hurry to stabilise the perimeter in this sector.
The French charged the warehouse on the left but were repulsed. In the middle of the photo, the single troop of 3rd Silesia Landwehr cavalry charged the 2/100th Line who had been approaching in march column along the road. The French battalion promptly routed but was unable to put enough distance between them as the Prussian cavalry rode into their panicked mob.
With the large brewery now evacuated of Prussian troops, French columns were now free to advance on the remnants of defenders in this area.
Once again the French struggle to hold the gains they have made along the norther perimeter. One of Gengoult's battalions flees the field with the Brigade subsequently failing their morale test. The battalion in the middle left will retire the next turn almost entirely cancelling out the gains made.
The 11th Division struggles through the rough ground as they approach the eastern perimeter defences. They are faced with repeated volleys from the defending Landwehr.
The Prussian battery fires off another round of canister at the 1/33rd Line shredding many of their number and causing them again to falter. They suffer themselves as the Guard horse artillery battery in the lower left blasted them with canister taking out one of their guns.
Turn 25
The 2/2nd Chasseurs of the Old Guard, who had moved out from the church, now assaulted the Granary expelling the occupants.
In the Seminary Garden Brandenstein urged his victorious Landwehr to attack a battalion of Grenadiers that had become unformed by the unit that had been pushed back. As they charged across the garden they were fired on by Guards in the garden of an adjacent building (middle left). The 4 casualties they lost was enough to halt the charge and the inexperienced troops faltered.
A concerted attack on the chateau adjacent to the south west redoubt was made by two Guard battalions.The 1/4th Grenadiers attacked the perimeter wall with the other battalion attacking the buildings. The 1/4th were pushed back with the smaller battalion routing. Not a great start on the Chateau!
The 2/4th Grenadiers had more success.They charged the large semi-timbered building in the middle of the photo and easily repelled the occupants.
The 2/3rd Grenadiers were caught in square formation by the charging Landwehr column. The Grenadiers were pushed back.
An ominous sign for the Prussians. Soye's Brigade takes the western redoubt with the Prussian horse artillery battery hurriedly limbering up and evading the French charge. 2 Prussian battalions seek to reclaim the redoubt.
The troop of 3rd Silesia Landwehr cavalry (middle of photo) hacked into the routing 2/100th Line causing them to disperse. Clearly getting over-excited by their success, they launch into an uncontrolled charge towards the nearest enemy (will be resolved in the next turn).
Two French battalions charge the industrial building (upper middle) quickly overcoming the Conscripts of the 2/4th Silesia Landwehr who rout.
French columns now build in preparation of destroying the last Prussian units in open ground on their right flank.
The 11th Division finally launches its charge with 4 battalions hitting home. 3 of those struck the 3/2nd Neumark Landwehr (middle of photo). The sheer weight of numbers overwhelmed the Landwehr with the battalion losing over half its number and will retreat the next turn. On their right the 2/3rd Silesia Landwehr was also defeated and will retreat.
Turn 26
Blucher again refuses to leave despite the battle getting ever closer. As a precaution he does accept one of his ADC's suggestions to take the 3rd Hussars on a scouting mission to prepare the ground for an escape route if necessary. In the middle of the photo the ADC has joined the 3rd Hussars but as yet is unable to move due to the press of men blocking the route out from the town centre. Here the 1/3rd Neumark Landwehr is assaulting the Granary which is in the process of being occupied by a French Guard battalion. They are repulsed and will fall back next turn.
The 1/2nd Grenadiers of the Old Guard charge the faltering 2nd Pomerania Landwehr who retreat prior to contact. The Grenadiers however, are exposed in the Seminary garden as smoke erupts from the Seminary windows. 3 Grenadiers are brought down by the fusilade.
The retreat of the 2nd Pomerania Landwehr has resulted in a press of men between the town hall and the Citadel as it collides with the 1st Pomerania unforming them. Just off to the extreme bottom left can be seen the encroaching Middle Guard as they progress to towards the town centre.
The 1/4th Chasseurs of the Middle Guard see an opportunity of destroying a Landwehr battalion who is unformed. They successfully charge home but the 1/1st Elbe Landwehr prove to be tougher than expected. They are fought to a standstill and the melee will continue the next turn. Unfortunately for the Landwehr battalions of Soye's brigade are now almost upon them.
An overview of the western end of the board. All the French 11th and 12th Cavalry Divisions are now across the river and are making their way towards their assigned positions.
2 Prussian battalions of the 9th Infantry charge up the redoubt slopes in an effort to recapture the emplacement. They are counter-charged by two French columns. The Fusiliers of the 9th on the left successfully pushes back the French 3/2nd Line. The 2/9th on the right is in turn pushed back by the 1/2nd Line.
The wider view of the south western corner of Grissburg shows how the French are now infiltrating their lines.
One small action (middle far left) was the troop of 3rd Silesia Landwehr launching into an uncontrolled charge. They were met with a volley from a French battalion in line killing one of their 3! Their charge faltered as a result.
In the middle of the photo the 1/11th Prussian infantry charged the Swiss battalion and the 3/22nd Line. The former counter-charged but the latter faltered. Incredibly the heavily outnumbered Swiss won the melee pushing back the Prussians.
The situation for the French in the area between the two redoubts was not good. Once again they had broken through only to be repulsed by Prussian counter-attacks. They are now almost back to where they started.
The 11th Division was having more success. Having punched a hole through the Prussian Line, they had now reformed ready to exploit the gap. The two Prussian Landwehr battalions they had routed now surrendered. The left and right flanks of the 11th Division were not so successful with their attacks being repulsed.
Turn 27
Sohr with two squadrons of the 5th Hussars lead Blucher followed by 2 more squadrons. Has Blucher left it too late? As the lead squadrons pass the Granary (middle left), puffs of smoke appear from the windows. The 2/2nd Chasseurs of the Old Guard had now fully occupied the Granary and could not believe their luck as they saw the cavalry passing. Their musketry proved particularly accurate (a double '6' thrown) downing 3 of the Hussars. Sohr's horse bolted taking him straight into captivity of the French.
An ADC rushed out to the lead squadrons as they faltered. It will take another move to steady the cavalry and they are still within the sights of the Chasseurs.
The 1/2nd Grenadiers of the Old Guard (upper middle) saw a battalion of Landwehr in the alleyways ahead and immediately charged. The Landwehr immediately retreated before contact.
Two more battalions of the Old Guard prepare to assault the Seminary.
As the Guards easily capture another small building on the right, a shock is in store for them. The 3/1st Elbe Landwehr (middle) charged the 2/4th Chasseurs of the Middle Guard. The Chasseurs confidently counter-charged but were not prepared for the unexpected level of aggression from the Conscripts. In the subsequent melee they were defeated and will be retreating disordered.
The Prussians finally lost the struggle for the western redoubt as Fusiliers of the 9th Infantry (middle left) were defeated by the 2/2nd Line forcing them to retreat. The French battalion to their right did not make contact with the Prussian flank.
An overview of the French left flank with the 12th Cavalry Division tracking diagonally across the battlefield with instructions to support the 3rd Corps around the northern perimeter. The two regiments of Cuirassiers to their right are part of the 11th Cavalry Division. They will be joining their Dragoon comrades supporting the attack on the Industrial suburbs.
One bright spot for the French was the arrival of the 2/1st Light battalion of Baudiun's Brigade that had been left behind by the general advance. It charged the warehouse on the left defeating the Landwehr occupants.
A French Line battalion gets caught between the two Prussian Infantry battalions in line formation and were decimated by the combined volleys.
With several battalions now routing and retreating the French attack had come to an abrupt halt. 2 battalions subsequently routed from the field bringing into question their chances of success.
In sheer frustration at the deteriorating situation, Piquet lead a regiment of dragoons in a charge on a Prussian infantry square. It proved a pointless exercise and the Dragoons were repulsed.
A view of the northern perimeter from behind Prussian lines.
The same area from behind French lines. A Prussian battery opens fire on two French columns with the Swiss battalion suffering the most (next to the redoubt on the right). It will retreat in the next turn. Various battalions are being brought together in preparation for another assault.
The French 11th Division appears to be suffering the same fate as the other 2 divisions of the 3rd Corps. Having made a good start the breakthrough is brought to an abrupt halt by the charge of the 1/2nd Pomerania Landwehr lead by Pewels. They pile into the 1/12th Line (middle right) causing them to retreat.
On the left the small battalion of the 2/2nd Neumark Landwehr charge into the breech made by the 1/86th Line. Despite being heavily outnumbered they halt the advance of the 1/86th with the melee continuing to a second round.
A few ground level photos:
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View from French 11th Division looking west. |
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March of the French 5th Division towards the south eastern corner of Grissburg. |
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Blucher's cavalry escort comes into view showing close proximity of French troops. |
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The Seminary garden. |
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View across to the redoubt looking west. |
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Middle Guard assaulting south western corner of Grissburg. |
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View across to the citadel and surrounding buildings. |
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A wider view of the same area. |
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The 12th Cavalry Division. |
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12th Cavalry Division passing Cuirassiers of 11th Cavalry Division |
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View north towards Grissburg's northern perimeter. |
An overview of the battlefield and planned movements. It will be a race against time for Blucher even if he manages to extricate himself from the town centre with the 12th Cavalry Division potentially blocking his escape route.
The French 8th, 9th and 10th Divisions are in a poor state with most surviving battalions having suffered heavy casualties making offensive action increasingly difficult. The 11th Division is struggling to overcome the Prussian defences and although the 5th Division is en-route, that formation is already severely depleted from previous encounters. It looks increasingly likely that it will be the Guard formations and the 3rd Cavalry Corps that will be needed to finish the job.
The Prussians are in an even worse state with battalions within Grissburg now separated from their Regiments and having to use their own initiative. Regimental and Brigade commanders are increasingly finding themselves with nothing to command as they have become detached (I have literally found commanders in gardens/streets/compounds and struggled to find units under their command!). They are though holding their own on the northern perimeter and so far holding the eastern. Incredibly they have actually managed to overturn the French in the Industrial suburbs and only the presence of cavalry looks set to deny them victory here.
Only 5 moves now before the sun begins to set!
To be continued -
Jon, I'll have to read the full account later today but just wanted to say your intro on the use of building templates is a great help. Never thought of it before.
ReplyDeletePleased that idea will be of use Kevin.
DeleteI like the template idea too, for such concentrated town fighting. Both sides have their problems... but I rather be the French at this juncture!
ReplyDeleteThe beauty of campaigns being that although the French are now very likely to win at what cost? For the Prussians it was always going to be a case of making the capture of their capital very costly with the possibility that something unexpected could happen to gain them victory.