Nightfall 16th March |
Nightfall 17th March |
Nightfall 16th March |
Nightfall 17th March |
In the north west Grouchy (blue 11) retreats before the advancing allied forces. Marcognet (blue 13) is instructed to do likewise to prevent his division becoming isolated. Grouchy regrets having to surrender hard won ground in Holland but calculates that without reinforcements he has little chance of victory against an enlarged allied force. Fortunately for him help is on the way (blue 7)
Nightfall 16th March |
Nightfall 17th March |
In the north east the ebullient Blucher now seeks to drive Napoleon from Prussia shrugging off his previous defeat. With his combined Prussian force he feels sure that he has sufficient for the job. Napoleon falls back before making a stand once again at Ainsworth. As Blucher makes camp for the night scouts report movement to the south east. He feels sure that he can deal with Napoleon before any meaningful intervention by any flanking force if that's what it is. Vandamme (blue 9) with the 3rd Corps intends to prove otherwise. The scene is set for the 2nd battle of Ainsworth.
Nightfall 16th March |
Nightfall 17th March |
Down in the south west Lobau retreats away from Wellington. With more British troops joining the allies he will need reinforcements before making any further attempts to conquer Portugal. He also realises that he must fully subdue Spain as reports come in of a Guerilla warband (grey 4) interfering with his supply line from the north. Additionally northern Spain remains yet to be conquered and is busy raising more units. An infantry battalion (grey 2) has been formed ready to join the Spanish force under the command of Morillo.
NEXT: Blucher's 2nd attempt at driving the French from Prussia in the 2nd Battle of Ainsworth
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