Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Defending the Malay Barrier: Turn 2, 1st - 15th January 1942, Allied Forces intercept Japanese Convoys.

Two allied naval groups have succeeded in thwarting any Japanese attempts to prevent them intercepting convoys.


EastGroup (USN) having defeated the Nachi patrol now approach the Jintsu invasion convoy. The USN flag is transferred to the cruiser Boise who leads 7 Clemson class destroyers north. 3 of those destroyers have sustained hull damage limiting their speed to 30 knots. 

Success! The Japanese convoy is contacted by the American sweep. 8 merchant ships/transports escorted by the cruiser Jintsu and 2 Kagero class destroyers make up the convoy.

The USN Boise Steaming north leading the destroyers in line astern. It is now nighttime.

In the foreground, the Boise sights a Japanese ship heading directly towards them from the east at a distance of 20,000 yards (100cm).

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Sunday, 26 January 2025

On the Workbench: Ancient Spanish Cavalry, Japanese Floatplanes, Royal Navy Ships

Time for an update on what I have been painting this year so far. Starting with figures for the Trebia project:

4 bases of Spanish Heavy Cavalry. All figures are 6mm Baccus, 10 figures to a 40mm x 30mm base. A base of Italian allied cavalry was also completed having discovered I was one base short!

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Thursday, 2 January 2025

Plans for 2025

 It is time to plan the year ahead, or at least have an idea of what I intend to do!

As in previous years I will break down my plans into Battles, Campaigns, Painting/Modelling.



Early Imperial Roman: 9th Legion v Ancient British Mona.

Punic Wars: Battle of Trebia.


TBC. Braddock Down is a possibility but I have yet to settle on a particular battle. It is possible that ECW will be a period not covered this year.


Peninsular War project - Battle of Busaco 27th September 1810. 


Cross Keys 8th June 1862. 


A priority this year now that all figures and terrain have been completed.


Zulu Wars - Rorkes Drift


Market Garden: Battle in the Woods from the Rapid Fire scenario book involving the UK Paras.

Operation Compass: Attack on the Maletti Group. This is a scenario from a mini-campaign acquired from Wargames Vault. 

It is unlikely I will have time to play both WW2 games but hopefully one will see the tabletop.

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