The USN Boise Steaming north leading the destroyers in line astern. It is now nighttime. |
In the foreground, the Boise sights a Japanese ship heading directly towards them from the east at a distance of 20,000 yards (100cm). |
The USN Boise Steaming north leading the destroyers in line astern. It is now nighttime. |
In the foreground, the Boise sights a Japanese ship heading directly towards them from the east at a distance of 20,000 yards (100cm). |
Time for an update on what I have been painting this year so far. Starting with figures for the Trebia project:
4 bases of Spanish Heavy Cavalry. All figures are 6mm Baccus, 10 figures to a 40mm x 30mm base. A base of Italian allied cavalry was also completed having discovered I was one base short! |
It is time to plan the year ahead, or at least have an idea of what I intend to do!
As in previous years I will break down my plans into Battles, Campaigns, Painting/Modelling.
Early Imperial Roman: 9th Legion v Ancient British Mona.
Punic Wars: Battle of Trebia.
TBC. Braddock Down is a possibility but I have yet to settle on a particular battle. It is possible that ECW will be a period not covered this year.
Peninsular War project - Battle of Busaco 27th September 1810.
Cross Keys 8th June 1862.
A priority this year now that all figures and terrain have been completed.
Zulu Wars - Rorkes Drift
Market Garden: Battle in the Woods from the Rapid Fire scenario book involving the UK Paras.
Operation Compass: Attack on the Maletti Group. This is a scenario from a mini-campaign acquired from Wargames Vault.
It is unlikely I will have time to play both WW2 games but hopefully one will see the tabletop.
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