Before I start the AAR, a recap of events leading up to this battle:
The top of the map are the positions of the main French and allied forces. We are concerned about the situation in the bottom left. This represents the situation at the end of the previous day following the Battle of Tourane Peninsular (see previous AAR). The Dutch/Belgian brigade (orange 2) had been defeated and is now retreating towards the coastal village of Tourane (22A13). Col Best's Hanoverian brigade (yellow 4) managed to escape and now begins his trek to rejoin the main allied forces.
D'Erlon with 2 infantry divisions and 1 cavalry division (blue 6) is determined to destroy the Dutch/Belgians who had been a threat to the French flank. The latter prepares a last stand at Tourane determined to see the French suffer badly.
Continued -
The Battle of Tourane (Holland)
French v Holland/Belgium
Total French 364
CinC D'Erlon
Total Allies 225
CinC Chasse
Scale = 6mm (Baccus)
Rules - General de Brigade
30th March 1808
0900 hours (max 32 moves)
Note: the numbers in the 3rd column are the number of bases, the 4th the number of figures, and the final column the Skirmishing (SK) factor.
3' x 3' table
Dutch/Belgians defending 22A13 & 14
French attacking from bottom of map.
Terrain Description -
From top left clockwise
22A14 – Pebble beach (difficult), firm ground.
22A13 – Pebble beach (difficult), firm grazing land, hedgerows, village of Tourane (hotel).
22A8 – Pebble beach (difficult), firm grazing land, hedgerows, farm.
22A9 – Pebble beach (difficult), firm grazing land, fences.
All Woods – Difficult Terrain visibility 6cm
An overview at the start. |
Durutte's 4th Division forming the French left. |
Marcognet's 3rd Division the French right supported by Bruno's cavalry brigade. |
4th Division with 3rd Division far left of photo. |
Gobrecht's lancers on the far left of the French position. |
The Dutch/Belgian right flank looks on in apprehension from their positions behind hedgerows and fences. |
View towards Tourane with Chasse co-ordinating the defence from the village centre. |
It is now turn 3 and the 35th Belgian Chasseurs in the foreground take the opportunity of opening fire at long range on the advancing French columns. The two French battalions suffer a casualty each. |
An overview at the end of turn 3. |
Turns 4 - 5
An overview of turn 4. Infantry brigades from bottom to top: Grenier, Noquez, Brue and Pegot. |
Pegot leads his brigade towards the waiting Dutch/Belgians. The 13th Dutch Line on the left opens fire on the massed columns inflicting casualties but not sufficient to halt the advance. |
Pegot orders the charge. The two battalions on the left, the 1/29th and the 1/8th Line receive a volley as they charge in but again are not concerned about the casualties they suffer and clash with the defending Dutch troops. Neither side gets the upper hand with the Dutch tenaciously fighting back. The melee will continue the next turn.
To the right, Pegot joins the 2/29th Line who successfully charge home in the teeth of fire from the 2nd Dutch Line. The French are more successful forcing the defenders to retreat although they do become unformed in the process. |
Noquez orders the 1/21st and 2/46th Line to charge the 35th Belgian Chasseurs defending the hedgerow. They come under highly effective musketry as they charge forwards losing heavy casualties. The 2/46th Line falters and in doing so inadvertently disorders the 1/21st and thus bringing to an end their charge. The 1/46th advancing in march column along the road suffer casualties from the Dutch artillery. |
At the eastern end of the French position, the 1/25th Line (middle of photo) loses heavily from remarkably accurate fire from the Dutch artillery battery (a double '6' thrown). Losing 5 figures in addition to 2 previously lost amounts to almost a third of their number. They initially retreat but the veterans fail to recover their morale on a subsequent rally test and disperse from the field. 1st blood to the Dutch! |
The remaining two battalions of Grenier's brigade wisely angle their attack away from the Dutch artillery! |
An overview at the end of turn 5. The only formation not mentioned so far is Brue's brigade who continues to advance towards the wood (top middle) held by the 36th Belgian Chasseurs. Their only action so far to exchange skirmish fire. It is early in the game but so far a promising start by the outnumbered Dutch/Belgians. |
Turns 6 - 7
Turn 6 overview. |
Top left of photo the continuing melee between the 2 French battalions and the 13th Dutch Line took a dramatic turn when the French 1/8th Line rolled a double 6. 5 casualties were inflicted on the Dutch for the loss of 1 and Detmer received a light wound. Incredibly the Dutch hung on for another round of melee!
The situation was completely reversed in the middle of the photo when the 36th Belgian Chasseurs rolled a double 6 firing on 3 French battalion columns. Brue's horse was shot from under him but he survived unscathed. The centre battalion, the 2/95th Line, retreated in disorder unforming its neighbouring battalions. Brue was quickly on hand to rally the 2/95th. |
With Detmer recovering from his wounds, the 13th dwindling 13th Dutch Line would be continuing the fight without his steadying influence. Now outnumbered by more than 2:1 by the French surely their time was up. Nope! They once again fought the French to a draw but the larger numbers of French meant more casualties suffered leaving them rather threadbare.
Bottom left the 2nd Dutch Line successfully rallies from retreat. |
Another charge by the 1/95th and 2/85th Line battalions made contact with the Belgians before they had time to reload. They successfully broke into the woods causing the Belgians to retreat. |
In the middle of the photo Noquez ordered his entire brigade to charge the 35th Belgian Chasseurs holding the hedgerow. A devastating volley from the Belgians scythed down numerous French resulting in the 1/46th Line, which had been advancing along the road, to flee the field. The 2/46th Line routed but was fortunately for the French, brought to their senses by the intervention of Noquez (middle left). The last remaining battalion, the 1/21st Line, had become unformed. |
The half horse artillery battery has been brought up to support Noquez but made a poor showing of its opening salvo failing to cause and damage. The 1/21st Line, now reforming, received another volley from the Belgians inflicting 3 more casualties. |
On the French right, Bruno ignored his change of orders to stay behind the cover of the hedgerow, electing instead to maintain his original orders of supporting Grenier's infantry brigade. In doing so he placed the 7th Hussars directly in front of the Dutch artillery within canister range. The Dutch duly obliged cutting down 3 of their number. A furious Jacquinot approached Bruno but it was too late to recall them fearing more needless casualties. Bruno was ordered to attack the battery and hopefully eliminate the threat without too much damage. |
Grenier in the meantime ordered his two surviving battalions to assault the Dutch conscripts defending the hedgerow. The 2/25th Line on the left faltered but the 1/45th Line charged home. The Dutch stood no chance in the face of a double 6 rolled by the French! They lost 5 of their number and the flag. This was all too much for the 4th Dutch militia who routed.
Disastrous news was to come for the Dutch. A musket ball found its way to Chasse who had been stood at the entrance to the village between the two buildings at top of the photo. He was killed outright. Detmer would now have to take command. |
Following his change of orders, Bruno ordered the 7th Hussars to charge the Dutch artillery. A blast of canister downed only one of their number but the Hussars were simply too fragile having already suffered heavily and they faltered.
Elsewhere, Chasse had already begun pulling his troops into the village for a final stand. A militia battalion now occupied the hotel complex to the west of Tourane. |
Turns 8 - 9
Overview at end of turn 8. |
Pegot leading the 2/29th Line charged into the newly reformed 2nd Dutch Line and after a brief melee caused the latter to rout. |
The 13th Dutch Line finally succumbed having held off the 2 French columns for 3 turns of melee. The casualties it suffered took it substantially past the 50% dispersal point. With no where to flee it surrendered. Pegot had now secured the French left flank. |
The 36th Belgian Chasseurs have now evacuated the woods leaving Brue's brigade to fully occupy it. |
Having rallied from their retreat, the 36th Belgian Chasseurs were in the process of reforming when they were charged by the victorious Pegot again at the head of the 2/29th Line. In their disordered state the Belgians stood little chance and were forced to retreat in the ensuing melee. |
The 35th Belgian Chasseurs, having done a superb job holding off Noquez' brigade, was ordered to withdraw to avoid being outflanked by advancing French troops. |
They continued to withdraw in good order as Noquez ordered what was left of his brigade to pursue the Belgians. |
The 1/45th Line having captured the hedgerow now had to reform. Fortunately for them the nearby Dutch conscripts did not have it in them to mount a charge. |
Having reformed the 1/45th Line now charged the hesitant 17th Dutch Militia who responded with effective musketry. Although only one casualty was suffered it was enough to cause the French battalion to falter. |
Meanwhile Bruno ordered his battered cavalry brigade to retire to a safe distance from the annoying Dutch artillery. The latter though proved less effective no doubt to tiring crews. |
Turns 10 - 11
With the area west of Tourane now devoid of Dutch/Belgians the 4th Division was free to make its way towards the village. |
The 4th Division approaches the large hotel complex dominating the western side of Tourane which had been occupied by Dutch militia. |
Noquez closed the gap on the 35th Belgian Chasseurs as they stepped back in good order. |
Having closed sufficiently, and supported by the 2/95th Line of Brue's brigade in the woods, all 3 battalions were ordered to charge the Belgians. The Chasseurs calmly poured a steady volley of musketry into the advancing columns inflicting a total of 5 casualties between them. Both battalions of Noquez's brigade retreated in disorder. The 2/95th faired a little better but nevertheless failed to charge home faltering. The French horse artillery battery fired shot through the narrow gap open to them knocking down one of the Belgians but had little effect on the unit's cohesion. |
The 1/45th Line, now in an unformed state, was charged by two Dutch militia battalions, one of which was towards its flank. The French lost their nerve completely and routed prior to contact. The 17th Dutch militia now took up position next to the artillery (middle of photo) with the 19th acting as a reserve. |
Determined to salvage some pride in his brigade, Grenier lead the 2/25th Line in a charge on the 17th Dutch militia. The latter faltered in the face of the charge but subsequently fought tenaciously in the melee pushing back the French with heavy loss. |
Detmer, having ridden into Tourane to take charge of its defence was faced with two units in need of rallying. He selected the 36th Belgian Chasseurs to join and the subsequently rallied. The routing 2nd Dutch Line however failed to rally an was lost to Detmer. They only failed by 1 on the dice roll. Had he joined them they would have rallied! |
Detmer now placed himself in the centre of the village to co-ordinate its defence. |
An overview at the end of turn 11. The French 3rd Division covering the area nearest the camera, were in a particularly poor state having suffered a severe mauling. Emphasis now would be placed on the 4th Division at the top of the photo to finally deal with the Dutch/Belgian defence. |
Turns 12 - 13
An overview at the end of turn 12 with the French 4th Division now descending on Tourane (middle right). |
Bottom left, Grenier has rallied is two surviving battalions placing them in line formation ready to engage the Dutch with musketry. |
Noquez successfully rallied the 1/21st Line but the 2/46th Line fled the field. That left Noquez with just the one weakened battalion.
As Grenier advances, an artillery duel breaks out with neither side getting the upper hand. One crew member from each battery is killed.
The 36th Belgian Chasseurs have taken up position to defend the perimeter of the village facing the rather daunting prospect of fighting off the approaching columns of the French 4th Division. |
Brue's brigade concentrated on attacking the Belgian Chasseurs (right) with Pegot's brigade focussing on the hotel.
The Chasseurs poured a volley into the approaching French inflicting casualties on each of the 3 massed columns. This was not sufficient to stop them with all 3 charging home. Luck ran out for the Belgians with a double '1' dice roll in melee in contrast to a high roll by the French. Despite Detmer having joined the Belgian battalion, they were comprehensively routed with heavy losses.
The 6th Dutch Militia defending the hotel complex put up a spirited defence against two attacking French battalions but their inexperience showed. They were pushed out of the building with the French following up to occupy it. |
Turn 14
The 4th Division now swarmed across the village perimeter and into the hotel. |
The 35th Belgian Chasseurs, who had now successfully pulled back from its forward position, defended the southern perimeter of Tourane. They were attacked from two sides. The 2/95th Line charged from the front, and the 2/85th Line which had maintained good order following the melee with the 36th Chasseurs, charged toward the flank. The Belgians again gave a good account of themselves, badly shooting up the 2/95th leading to a catastrophic failure of morale causing them to flee the field. The 2/85th had no such problems and piled into the Belgian flank.
This proved too much for the 35th Chasseurs who were forced to retreat having lost the melee. |
Grenier had now advanced to within effective musket range and began exchanging musket fire with the Dutch Militia. |
The routing 36th Belgian Chasseurs failed to rally and promptly surrendered. This brought the Dutch/Belgian force down to its break point. The loss of Chasse weighed heavily on the Dutch and proved to be critical in the break test. On seeing morale collapse in his surviving conscript battalions he knew there was nothing more they could do and offered his surrender to the French forces. |
The Dutch/Belgians are marched off to captivity:-
In the end, Chasse's Dutch/Belgians punched above their weight and capability. Given that half his force were conscripts and he was outnumbered, it would be a tall order to beat off the French. It could have happened though! The French 3rd Division were neutered and were no longer strong enough to make any impression. Had the same feat been achieved with the 4th Division it could have been a different story.
The casualty rates speak for themselves. The French lost 71 (24 recovered) to the Dutch/Belgians 51. The outcome was nevertheless a serious blow to the Dutch/Belgians. The loss of the entire brigade along with two battalions from the 2nd Brigade of the 3rd Netherlands Division amounted to over half of their infantry force.
For D'Erlon the 2 victories within the Tourane Peninsular came at considerable cost. In total he lost 100, or almost 25% of his force. He will spend the rest of the day allowing his troops to rest before heading out to rejoin the main French force.
I am constantly looking at ways to make the AAR's quick and easy to read through, especially given the number of photos I post. For this AAR I recounted the action with details in the photo caption boxes and unsure if this is an improvement or not. I would be grateful for your views which I will bear in mind for future postings.
The table as such is fantastic, as I said on FB. Great. Your pictures are (sorry to say) mediocre and the battle report lacks 'overview pictures'. As a story it lacks action and focus. I wrote an opinion blog about battle reports and although you might prefer a more serious tone or a different layout,I think the format can help you, somehow.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for your comments. I have had a look at your link and it does provide for some interesting ideas although I cannot see me turning it into a comic style blog. Aside from beyond my technical capabilities it is not how I wish to portray my AAR's. More info contained within the photos such as arrows and details of units is something I have trialled previously and will certainly be doing again, particularly on larger battles.
DeleteSteve below has also mentioned overview pics which I will certainly take on board. I am looking at ways to make the AAR's, with the ebb and flow of the battle, easier to read and follow.
As always Jon a fantastic looking table, ditto the figures:). I find the action certainly easier to follow via the annotated pics rather than text and then some pics of the action. For an overview of the game at various points, I think it would help if you took a photo from the same point as the first photo in your AAR. I know it would help me follow the action more easily.
ReplyDeleteI do enjoy your AAR's and the effort you put into them and know from personal experience how much time and effort they take. I'm trying to improve mine so they are easier to understand and take me less time to post. Not an easy task and I'm not sure if I'll ever find the right balance!
Many thanks for your kind comments Steve. It is a constant challenge making the AAR's easier to follow, enjoyable to read, and also not so onerous that it takes eons to produce one.
DeleteI will certainly be taking on board your comment about overview photos. I have been mindful about these in previous AAR's but could be improved upon. Taking closeup shots is all well and good but does not show you the 'big picture'.
When I first started Blogging, a fellow gamer suggested I take the overview from the same place for the reasons stated, which I tried to do ever since. It certainly helps to me of the action along with my notes and the close up pics wehn I write my AARs.
DeleteSounds like sensible advice Steve and one which I will take up.
DeleteJon, lovely table as always and a great write-up. I continue to be both amazed and impressed by how much gaming can fall of of a small playing space (3' x 3' in this case). Very inspirational for those of us with small gaming spaces.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what compelled Mr. Boorsma to make such a negative post on such a fine article. I came across his blog a few days ago and read the article he referred to and commented then to the effect that I did not agree with his position on how we should blog. Hope never to see your napoleonic games represented like a Batman comic!
As always, a ton of effort in your post and a desire to share makes you a number one blogger in my books. Interestingly your post has just moved me in a buying decision :-)
Many thanks for comments Norm. I am keen to show how large a battle in 6mm can be produced on a small table. For wargamers who have limited space it does not confine them to skirmish only actions. Your blog is also excellent in demonstrating what can be achieved.
DeleteMr Boorsma's link is interesting but not my style. Although there are good points such as adding arrows and details of units on photos which I have occasionally done and will do so again, particularly on large battles.
Talking of purchases... my order list for Baccus continues to grow at an alarming rate waiting for the shopping cart to open! Just got to keep it hidden from the wife.
I forgot to mention the 3' x 3' table bit, but it does show you that in what is considered a small space, you can have an awful lot of action and a superb looking game at the same time. It is also much easier on the back!
DeleteDefinitely helpful on the back. I find it increasingly harder to reach the middle of wide tables these days!
DeleteI'm not 'so negative' at least I don't mean to be. Internet comments always look sharper than the moderate gentleman-writer means. Flame wars are the result. I'm not such a person, although I'm opiniated. Don't feel attacked.
ReplyDeleteBut in my honest opinion the storyline and pictures of your BR's can be improved. Probably not as radical as a Batman comic, but your honest opinion about that may differ, such is life an life sucks, anyway :-)
I like to read your blogs. I hope my comment will help you to in some way, although you might disagree.
Many thanks for your clarification. I am always open to suggestions and I have replied to your previous post on my views. I doubt there will ever be a perfect AAR and individual preferences of readers will always be varied.
DeleteI am pleased that you enjoy reading the blog and hope that future posts continue to be entertaining.
Honestly, JSW Boorsma, the one who could learn a thing or two regarding battle reports is you. Jon's photography modelling, terrain and photography is close to magazine quality (sans counters and dice). His tables are carefully crafted with distinctive terrain features that help me orientate myself in the close up pictures. Look at the two pictures before Turns 1-3 for example. I immediately know where they are as the central wood or the town are visible. I don't need to read the text for that. Same goes with part of the beach which locates pictures on the french right flank.
DeleteThe descriptions are detailed and more blow by blow than story-based. This is a style, though, not a mistake. Part of my own 6mm Napoleonic stuff is based on Jon's excellent reports because I rarely find anything close anywhere else on the internet.
The only negative I can find, is that they sometimes run a tad too long for my taste. I skip a photo here and there where not much happens. The correct length of a blogpost/article is difficult to judge from my experience and I happily scroll through too much detail than not enough if the quality as such is high enough.
Many thanks Pascal. Very much appreciate and flattered by your kind comments. I fully understand about the length of many of my AAR's. Continually looking at ways I can reduce them without losing too much of the narrative. For the larger battles I will be breaking them down to several parts as before.
DeleteHi Jon,
ReplyDeleteI would just like to say, another brilliant AAR! The table looks great and I am still very jealous of your 6mm collection.
As I have been following the campaign for a while now, I am very sad to read of the demise of General Chasse. He has been giving the French such a hard time, and I wonder if he had lived, if the DB contingent might have pulled off a victory. Perhaps you will have to run a 'what if' scenario one day ;)
As to the format of the AAR. I am a fan of the captions below the pictures. As others have said it makes it easier and quicker to read. Otherwise, I really like the layout and style. One or two more overview photos might be nice, but I actually found it quite easy to follow this battle. Perhaps you could identify the deployment locations of the brigades on the initial overview picture. This way it is easier to reference where one might be based on which units are being described? One other thought, I know that the Orders status of each brigade is quite important for GdB. Might it be possible to indicate the orders for each brigade at the start (perhaps with arrows and lines on the overview photo?) and then note when Orders change through the battle?
Many thanks for that Ed. It was certainly not the anticipated pushover for the French and could have gone horribly wrong for them after the 3rd Division's mauling. Regarding Chasse, a protracted campaign of this size does allow you to develop a particular interest in certain characters so I know what you mean. The Hanoverian Brigade commander, Colonel Best, is the standout for me and I just know his luck will run out one day!
DeleteMy initial concern regarding the captions revolved around the default font size which was pretty small. However, having enlarged it I think I will stick with this for now. Thank you for your views on that which, along with what others have said, is a great help.
I have played around with including arrows, details of units etc in previous AAR's and agree that it helps the reader understand what is going on. It was only time that stopped me from doing it on this occasion but I will take on board what you have said and endeavour to include them in the future. The same regarding order status.
Kind regards
Hi Jon -
ReplyDeleteI have often admired your layout and the overall 'finish' of your battlefields. Wonderful stuff! I reckon your narrative method of captioning the photos works fine - straightforward and simple. I consider war gaming to be a story-telling medium, but there are all kinds of ways of telling a story, and all manner of narrative styles. Yours is one among many possible, and as valid and meaningful as any other.
Many thanks for that Ion.
DeleteThanks for posting, love pics and enjoyed the AAR :-)
ReplyDeleteMany thanks Dave.
DeleteGreat looking action, and I like the narrative with the pictures (the way that I sually so it as well).
ReplyDelete"Your pictures are (sorry to say) mediocre". I cannot imagine what he is talking about here; he does realize these are 6 mm figures, doesn't he? I think your photography is superb I suppose an occasional close up of a key melee could be added, but that works better with larger figures.
Many thanks Peter. I agree about closeups of melees and hopefully more in the future. A mishap with the camera which now needs repair did not help! I am loathe to comment on the quality of my photos as that is for others to decide, but as you say these are 6mm figures!
DeleteTop notch AAR Jon! I think the captioned photos work fine but I would agree with Steve to keep the camera in one place. That way, by viewing the pics in quick succession one would get a timelapse effect of the whole battle.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks Mike. "Timelapse effect". A great idea, one that I may try out soon. My next AAR is already in the can (a small skirmish) so too late for that one but in addition to the normal reports to repeat the overview shots at the end, one after the other. It would give the reader a real timelapse review of the entire action. Is this what you had in mind?
DeleteYet another marvellous, fantastic, pleasure to view game on your simply wonderful terrain.
ReplyDeleteThe mix of lovely photos and description make for an excellent report of the game, for mine.
Regards, James
Many thanks for that James.