Friday, 7 February 2025

On the Workbench: Punic Wars, WW2 Naval.

 More additions to the Carthaginians for Trebia have been completed along with several more refurbished 1/3000 scale ships.

Only 2 bases will be required for Trebia but with an extra pack in the unpainted pile it needed to be done. A little more uniform in appearance than I originally intended! As with nearly all my 6mm figures they are from the Baccus range.

Continued -
3 more bases of Numidian cavalry were required for Mago's ambush.

A refurbished King George V.

A before and after photo. The Valiant on the left and Nelson. They would have been painted over 30 years ago.

A good soaking in nail varnish remover does a good job on the old paint. Most of it strips away easily with a stiff brush. An aft mast was added to the Valiant but other than all a new coat of paint was all that was required. 

A note about the 'blue' bases. I have seen this discussed on various forums and many prefer a more realistic dark sea-grey look more reminiscent of the north Atlantic. The camera lightens the blue a little but my decision to go for this shade has more to do with the look of the ships. In this scale I find that having the sea colour not dissimilar to the grey ship 'loses' the ship. Mine are all basking under a clear blue sky in the Med!


  1. What a difference 30 years makes...

    1. Lol. I nearly threw them away but rather pleased I didn't!

  2. Great work on those Baccus figures as always Jon. The refurbished ships look great and glad you didn't throw them away, as they are great to look at with your new 'style' of painting:). I agree with the lighter sea approach, as you want to be able to see your 'toys on the table' when playing game, as that's half the fun!

  3. Great work on the elephants and cavalry Jon.
    The ships look much better and I agree the light blue bases make them much more visible.

  4. Fantastic work Jon as ever, especially like the KGV.
