Saturday 24 August 2024

Britannia Campaign: Turn 7 - 9th Legion v The Cornovii


This action focuses on the 9th Legion's advance on Mona. The Cornovii tribe had previously indicated a willingness to be allies to Rome. As the 9th Legion marched through their territory they had a change of heart and rebelled. 

For this game I shall be using L'Art De La Guerre (ADLG) rules for the first time. The orders of battle will remain largely unchanged - more of this later.

Initial dispositions. The Cornovii are the attackers on the left. They have a normal camp and the Romans on the right have a fortified camp.

I retained the 'Age of Hannibal' method of terrain placement which, I felt, was more suited to solo play. All terrain cards were placed face down by each side with just minor adjustments when revealed. 

The river is impassable apart from the ford. At the top of the photo, the stream is classed as difficult terrain. Both woods are also difficult. 

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Tuesday 6 August 2024

Britannia Campaign: Turn 6 - 16th Legion v The Iceni


The 16th Legion have retraced their steps to deal with the Iceni rebellion which is the setting of the next battle, again using the Age of Hannibal rules.

The Iceni have the initiative and will be the attackers. Only skirmishers can pass through marshes and the lake is impassable. 

The Iceni have a particularly high proportion of light units (skirmishers and light horse) along with chariots. Their lieutenant is placed in command of the light horse, chariots and medium horse on the left. They are tasked with pinning the Roman legionary cohorts while the warbands under the direct command of the chieftain seek to punch through the Roman left, a mix of legionaries and auxiliaries.

Good news for the Romans, their lieutenant has arrived sober!

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