Napoleonic 6mmFirst up will be to press on with painting the allied army for Waterloo while awaiting Baccus produce the updated French. If the French are not done during 2012 the aim will be to complete the allied army by the year end with the French completed during 2013.
The terrain for Quatre Bras needs completing which should just be the building bases and the roads for the built up areas. There may be a few extra road sections and wooded areas to complete which I will determine when the board is set up, probably in the next month or two. Hope to fight Quatre Bras during March.
AWI - 20mm
About time I resumed some 20mm plastics and as a break from 6mm may paint up a couple of units of British.
Sudan - 15mm
some point may resume the Sudan campaign with extra figs painted.
Pirates - 15mm
Must have a game this year which may require the ship to be finished off.
Other possible painting projects includes the continuation of Op Nostalgia campaign in 15mm with ships painted. 1/2400 ships for the Napoleonic period is another possibility.