
Thursday 7 June 2018

On the Workbench: Completed 8th Army figs and ongoing Naval.

A quick update before I go on my hols tomorrow for a week.

A batch of 6mm GHQ 8th Army infantry have been completed for the next N. Africa scenario. They will also be used in the Operation Nostalgia project. I experimented with the bases to bring them more into line with my revamped Desert terrain. Previous bases were to match the commercially built terrain tiles before I 'upgraded' them. They were unfortunately almost as bland! As can be seen of my recent game 'Into the Gap', they did not really fit with their new desert surroundings.

It is finding that right mix of not spending too much time on them, they are after all for wargaming and need to be got onto the tabletop asap, and making them so basic they do not compliment the figures. I am certainly happier with this version and adding a few rocks also helped. My only regret was not adequately covering the figure bases on some individuals making them stand out a little. It is something I will need to take more care of in the future. 

The photo is not as clear as I would have liked but hopefully you get an idea of how they have turned out.

Continued -

A quick update from the workbench:

A part painted 1/1200 Tribal class destroyer, HMS Mohawk with it's little sister the 1/3000 version. On the right are 2 German Narvik class destroyers. Just in view at the top of the photo is a bunch of 6mm WW2 Italians that featured in the last update. They are about half painted.

All work has now finished and will resume on my return. I shall be reading, and hopefully digesting, General Quarters 3 and Bag the Hun rules while I am on holiday!



  1. They look great to me. It's always a balance, as you write, between going full bore and remembering that they are gaming pieces.
