
Thursday 7 June 2018

Operation Nostalgia: Order of Battle - Land Units


I intend to complete the land, sea and air orders of battle on separate postings. These will be live documents and will be updated with casualties as they occur. This should allow easier reference to the orbats as the campaign unfolds by opening additional tabs or windows showing the relevant list.

A brief note about these orbats and how they differ from the original articles. Both sides have been expanded with additional units. Rather just Elite and Regular, I have added Veteran and Conscripts. I have also changed the way in which points are awarded for Elite troops. In the original article they cost double. I have changed this to +50%. For Conscripts it is -1/3. Veterans and Regulars are not modified.

The invasion force has been hastily thrown together with available units after the fall of Tunisia. Support elements in particular have been drawn from various units and added to the mix. 

Bases refer to bases of infantry for Blitzkrieg Commander rules.

Sea and Air orbats are close to completion and will be posted shortly.

Continued -



Land based joint Italian/German HQ:
2 Bases
German Defence Co (Elite):
1 x 20mm AA Gun,
1 x PzII


Panzer Grenadier Regt ( 2 x Battalions ) (Veteran)
( 1 x Truck Borne and 1 x Armoured )

Regt HQ:
2 x Bases
1 x Horch
1 x Radio Truck

Regt Gun Co.
1 x SP 150mm Bison

1st Truck Borne Battalion: 
1 Base
1 x Horch 

3 x Companies each -
3 x Bases 
3 x Truck 

Support Co
2 x MMG
1 x 81mm Mortar
1 x Steyr 1500 PC
1 x 50mm A/T Gun (pak 38) 
1 x Sdkfz 10 

2nd Armoured Battalion: 
1 Base
1 x 251/10

3 x Companies each -
3 x Bases 
3 x 251/1 

Support Co
2 x MMG
1 x 81mm Mortar
1 x 251/1
1 x 50mm A/T Gun (pak 38) 
1 x Sdkfz 10.

German Recce Battalion (Veteran): 

3 x 234/3 Armoured Cars 
Motor Cycle Co:
3 Bases Motor Cycles + sidecars 

Support Co:
1 x MMG
1 x 81mm Mortar
1 x 50mm pak 38 gun

4 x German Fortress Battalions 
1st Battalion:
1 Base
3 x Companies each 3 Bases
Support Company: 
1 x MMG
1 x 81mm Mortar
1 x 50mm pak 38 Gun
1 x 75mm Inf Gun

2nd Battalion:
1 Base
3 x Companies each 3 Bases
Support Company: 
1 x MMG
1 x 81mm Mortar
1 x 50mm pak 38 Gun
1 x 75mm Inf Gun

3rd Battalion:
1 Base
3 x Companies each 3 Bases
Support Company: 
1 x MMG
1 x 81mm Mortar
1 x 50mm pak 38 Gun
1 x 75mm Inf Gun

4th Battalion:
1 Base
3 x Companies each 3 Bases
Support Company: 
1 x MMG
1 x 81mm Mortar
1 x 50mm pak 38 Gun
1 x 75mm Inf Gun

German Mountain Battalion (Elite): 

1 Base

3 Companies each 3 Bases 

MG Company: 
1 x MMG 
1 x 81mm Mortar

Support Company:
1 x 37mm A/T gun
1 x 75mm Mountain Gun

German Parachute Battalion (Elite): 

1 Base

3 x Companies each 3 Bases

MG Company:
1 x MMG
1 x 81mm Mortar

Support Company:
1 x 37mm A/T Gun
1 x 75mm Inf Gun

Luftwaffe Airfield Defence Company:

3 Bases
1 x Truck
1 x Sdkfz 222 A/Car
1 x 20mm AA Gun


3 x Panzer Companies:
3 x PzIII M
3 x PzIV G + 1 x PzII
2 x Tiger 

1 x Pz Jaeger Company:
2 x Marder III
1 x Towed Pak 40

1 x SP 105mm Battery:
2 x Wespe

1 x 105mm Battery:
2 x Towed 105mm

1 x Flak Battalion:
4 x 20mm AA
2 x Quad 20mm AA
1 x 88mm AA

1 x Assault Eng Co:
3 Bases
3 x Sdkfz 251/1 

1 x Supply Co:
3 x Medium Trucks

1 x Repair Company:
1 x Berpanzer III


2 x Italian Coastal Defence Regts ( 3 x Battalions) + part 3rd Regt (Conscripts):

1st Regt HQ:
1 Base
Gun Company:
2 x 47mm A/T Guns

1st Battalion: 
1 Base
3 x Companies each 3 Bases
Support Co:
1 x MMG
1 x Lt Mortar

2nd Battalion: 
1 Base
3 x Companies each 3 Bases
Support Co:
1 x MMG
1 x Lt Mortar

3rd Battalion: 
1 Base
3 x Companies each 3 Bases
Support Co:
1 x MMG
1 x Lt Mortar

2nd Regt HQ:
1 Base
Gun Company:
2 x 47mm A/T Guns

1st Battalion: 
1 Base
3 x Companies each 3 Bases
Support Co:
1 x MMG
1 x Lt Mortar

2nd Battalion: 
1 Base
3 x Companies each 3 Bases
Support Co:
1 x MMG
1 x Lt Mortar

3rd Battalion: 
1 Base
3 x Companies each 3 Bases
Support Co:
1 x MMG
1 x Lt Mortar

3rd Regt HQ:
1 Base
Gun Company:
1 x 47mm A/T Gun

1st Battalion: 
1 Base
3 x Companies each 3 Bases
Support Co:
1 x MMG
1 x Lt Mortar

1 x AS (Africa Settentrionale) Infantry Battalion:
2 companies each:
1 base, MMG, 47mm AT gun
1 company:
1 base, 20mm AT Rifle, 20mm AA gun
1 company:
1 base, light mortar, 20mm AA gun

Bersaglieri Battalion (motorised): 

HQ 1 Base
1 x Command Veh

3 x Companies each:
3 Bases
3 x Trucks

Support Company:
1 x MMG
1 x Lt Mortar
2 x Lt Trucks
1 x 47mm A/T Gun and Tow

4 x Italian Airfield Defence Companies each:

3 Bases
1 x Truck
1 x CVL 6/40
1 x Sahariana 20mm AA
or 20mm AA Gun and tow

2 x Italian Parachute Companies each:
3 Bases
1 x MMG


1 x SP 75mm Howitzer Battery:
2 x Semovente

1 x SP 47mm Gun Battery:
2 x Semovente

2 x 75mm Gun Batteries each:
2 x Towed 75mm 

1 x Lt Tank Company:
1 x CVL 6/40
2 x CV 3/35

2 x Medium Tank Companies each:
3 x M13/40

1 x Engineer Co:
2 Bases
2 x Trucks

1 x Supply/Repair Co:
2 x Heavy Trucks

1 x Heavy Flak Battery:
1 x Semovente 90

Remnants of Armoured Cavalry Group:
1 x AB41 A/Car
2 x CVL 6/40


Joint Task Force Command:
3 Bases (2 x UK, 1 x US)
1 x Dorchester ACV
1 x Dingo Scout Car
1 x Crusader (6pdr) command tank
1 x US Jeep
1 x US M3 Stuart


1 x Brigade of 3 battalions from the 8th Army (Veteran)
1 x Brigade of 3 battalions from the 1st Army

8th Army Brigade HQ: 
1 Base
1 x Dorchester ACV
1 x Radio Jeep

1st Infantry Battalion:
HQ Company:
1 Base
1 x 15 cwt Truck
2” Mortar
1 Base AT Rifle platoon

4 x Companies each 3 Bases

Carrier Platoon:
1 Base 
1 x Bren Carrier

Support Company:
1 x Bren Carrier
AT Portee
3” Mortar
6 pdr AT Gun

2nd Infantry Battalion:
1 Base
1 x 15 cwt Truck
2” Mortar
1 Base AT Rifle platoon

4 x Companies each 3 Bases

Carrier Platoon:
1 Base
1 x Bren Carrier

Support Company:
1 x Bren Carrier
AT Portee
3” Mortar
6 pdr AT Gun

1 x Motorised Battalion:
1 Base
1 x M3 Scout Car
2” Mortar
1 Base AT Rifle platoon

3 x Companies each:
4 Bases
2 x Trucks
2 x Bren Carriers

Support Company:
3 x Bren Carriers
6 pdr AT Gun
Vickers MMG
3” Mortar

1st Army Brigade HQ:
1 Base
1 x Dorchester ACV
1 x Radio Jeep

1st Infantry Battalion:
1 Base
1 x 15 cwt Truck
2” Mortar
1 Base AT Rifle platoon

4 x Companies each 3 Bases

Carrier Platoon:
1 Base
1 x Bren Carrier

Support Company:
1 x Bren Carrier
3” Mortar
6 pdr AT Gun

2nd Infantry Battalion:
1 Base
1 x 15 cwt Truck
2” Mortar
1 Base AT Rifle platoon

4 x Companies each 3 Bases

Carrier Platoon:
1 Base
1 x Bren Carrier

Support Company:
1 x Bren Carrier
3” Mortar
6 pdr AT Gun

1 x Motorised Battalion: 
1 Base
1 x M3 Scout Car
2” Mortar
1 Base AT Rifle platoon

3 x Companies each:
3 Bases
2 x M3 HT
1 x Bren Carrier

Support Company:
3 x Bren Carriers
6 pdr AT Gun
Vickers MMG
3” Mortar


1 x Regiment of 3 Battalions

Regiment HQ:
1 Base
1 x M3 HT
1 x Radio Truck

1st Infantry Battalion
1 Base
1 x Jeep

3 x Companies each 3 Bases

Heavy Weapons Co:
2 x Jeeps
1 x 2½ ton truck
57mm AT Gun
81mm Mortar
.50 cal HMG

2nd Infantry Battalion:
1 Base
1 x Jeep

3 x Companies each 3 Bases

Heavy Weapons Co:
2 x Jeeps
1 x 2½ ton truck
57mm AT Gun
81mm Mortar
.50 cal HMG

Armoured Infantry Battalion: 
1 Base
1 x M3 HT (.50 cal)
60mm Mortar

3 Companies each:
3 Bases
3 x M3 HT (.50 cal

Heavy Weapons Co:
1 x M3 HT (.50 cal
2 x M3 HT
57mm AT Gun
81mm Mortar
.50 cal HMG
.30 cal MMG


8th Army Brigade attached (Veteran):-

1 x Field Artillery Battery:
2 x 25 pdr & Tow)

1 x SP Field Artillery Battery:
2 x Archer

2 x Forward Artillery Observers:
2 x Carriers

2 x Forward Air Controllers:
2 x Carriers

1 x Heavy Tank Squadron:
3 x Churchills

2 x Medium Tank Squadrons:
5 Shermans

1 x Recce Squadron:
2 x Humber, 1 x Jeep

1 x Squadron Engineers:
3 bases + 3 Trucks

1 x Light AA Battery:
2 x Bofors 40mm

1 x AT Gun Battery:
2 x 6 pdr & Tow

1 x Supply Company:
4 x Medium Trucks

1 x Repair Company:
1 Base + Heavy truck

1 x Machine Gun Battalion:
3 x MMG 
3 x Carriers

1st Army Brigade Attached:

1 x Field Artillery Battery:
2 x 25 pdr & Tow

1 x SP Field Artillery Battery:
2 x Sexton

2 x Forward Artillery Observers:
2 x Carriers

2 x Forward Air Controllers:
2 x Carriers

2 x Tank Squadrons:
5 Sherman 1 Churchill

1 x Recce Squadron:
2 x Humber, 1 x Jeep

1 x Squadron Engineers:
3 Bases + 3 Truck

1 x Light AA Battery:
1 x Bofors 40mm

1 x Supply Company:
4 x Medium Trucks

1 x Repair Company:
1 Base + Heavy truck

1 x Machine Gun Battalion:
3 x MMG 
3 x Carriers

American Brigade attached:

1 x Field Artillery Battery:
2 x 75mm & Tow

1 x SP Field Artillery Battery:
2 x M10

2 x Forward Artillery Observers:
2 x Jeeps

2 x Forward Air Controllers:
2 x Jeeps

3 x Tank Companies:
US: 9 x Shermans

1 x Recce Company:
1 x M8
2 x Jeeps

1 x Company Engineers:
3 Bases + 3 Trucks

1 x Light AA Battery:
2 x M16

1 x AT Gun Battery:
2 x 57mm & Tow

1 x Supply Company:
4 x Medium Trucks

1 x Repair Company:
1 Base + Heavy truck

1 x Tank Destroyer Company:
2 x 75mm SP Guns

Attached Units

1 x Commando (Elite): 
1 Base
2” Mortar
1 Base AT Rifle squad

6 x Troops each: 2 Bases 

Support Troop:
5.5” Pack Howitzer
3” Mortar

2 x Parachute Battalions (Elite): 
1st Para Battalion:
1 Base 
2” Mortar

3 x Companies each: 3 Bases 

Support Company:
3” Mortar

Engineer Platoon:
1 Base

2nd Para Battalion:
1 Base 
2” Mortar

3 x Companies each: 3 Bases 

Support Company:
3” Mortar

Engineer Platoon:
1 Base

1 x US Ranger Battalion (Elite): 
1 Base
2 x 60mm Mortars

6 x Ranger Co’s each: 2 Bases

Support Company:
81mm Mortar

Free French Battalion: 
1 Base

3 x Companies each: 2 Bases

Support Company:
2 pdr AT Gun + tow
81mm Mortar

1 x SBS Squadron (Elite): 2 Bases (8 figs)
4 x Canoes or
2 x Inflatables

Greek Sacred Squadron (Parachute Commandos - Elite):
2 Bases (8 figs)

RMBP Detachment (Elite):
1 Base (2 Figures)
Canoe & Limpet Mines

RAF Servicing Commando:
1 Base (5 Figures)
Mobile Workshop

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