
Sunday 17 June 2018

On the Workbench and Operation Nostalgia updates.

While I have been away I took the opportunity to read through 'General Quarters 3' and 'Bag the Hun' rules. It confirmed my initial views that both will provide the sort of game I enjoy for naval and air battles. By using several different rules in the 'Operation Nostalgia' campaign I will need to consider how they will interact when different elements come into contact. i.e. air v naval and air v land actions.

I will need to play several test games to finally establish the best route to take but my initial thoughts are to retain the GQ3 rules for naval v air as they more accurately reflect the AA ability of each ship. GQ3 has 'flights' representing on average 3 aircraft compared to individual aircraft in BTH. I will in all probability introduce changes to GQ3 to allow for aircraft to be represented singly. The obvious change to make is for each ship to replace an AA attack with 3 x AA attacks and the results being individual aircraft damaged or destroyed rather than entire flights. I will need to look closely at air attacks on ships and how that can be altered if required.

Rather then use Blitzkrieg Commander's abstract rules for AA I will probably use BTH. For air to ground attacks I would like to use BTH but will need to ensure it causes no conflicts with the BKC method of recording casualties.

When I returned home from holiday a couple of days ago I received some welcome packages on my doormat:

On the left are my first 1/600 planes from Tumbling Dice. On the right is a delivery of 1/3000 ships from Davco. Some of my Navwar vessels could be better and I therefore picked a few Davco to see how they compare. I will shortly paint a few up before I decide to stick with these or return to Navwar.

Continued -

I could not resist making a start on the aircraft and here I cleaned up a squadron of Hurricanes. Orders have been placed for clear acrylic hexagon bases, 2mm diameter acrylic rods and a bunch of 2mm x 0.5mm round magnets for the aircraft stands.

Several ships were finished on my return:

HMS Ameer, a 1/3000 scale escort carrier which will be HMS Avenger in the campaign.

A German Leberecht Maass class destroyer 'Z1' in 1/1200 and 1/3000 scales.
Further progress had also been made on Italian infantry for the Western Desert and several other ships in both 1/1200 and 1/3000 scales.    


  1. Coming along nicely with operation no-stalgia!

  2. Great start and good to see high motivation for this project following your holiday.
