
Thursday 12 January 2023

Wargaming - An Update

The hiatus in my wargaming has unfortunately, extended into the new year. Having moved into a newbuild house last year I was fully aware that I would need deal with cracking caused by the house drying out and settling. The new year was my target to complete this work believing 2 or 3 days should sort it. How wrong I was. After a week of recaulking, filling and sanding I have still not lifted a paint brush!

Cristot is gathering dust (and cobwebs) in the garage although I did manage to complete Usher's dragoons, the last unit for Edgehill. Even figure painting is now suspended.

All being well normal service will be resumed in a few days. The Napoleonic campaign map moves have been completed leading to the next battle and will be the next blog post as soon as I have prepped it. I hope to have Edgehill on the board after Cristot but there will be a brief interlude while I insulate the garage door. The cold snap we had in December defeated my heaters and insulating the door is a fairly easy upgrade to improve the temperature. I have received a garage door insulation kit designed for the purpose and hopefully will do the job.

In the meantime, back to the rather less exciting task of sanding and painting.


  1. A belated happy new year to you Jon. I think we all know these projects that begin with a 2-3 day estimate and drag out over weeks, in real life as well as in wargaming. ECW is one of my projects that have been suspended for too long. I'm excited to see your Edgehill game forming up slowly. Maybe it can invigorate my interest in this period.

    1. Many thanks Pascal. ECW is one of my oldest periods with Edgehill on my 'to do' list for almost 50 years! Looking forward to playing it and hopefully will do it some justice. And a happy new year to you too.

  2. 1 to 1 scale work is always time consuming and challenging. You will be acknowledged soon to what you like.

    1. Unfortunately, I think you are right there pancerni with regard to 1 to 1 scale work.

  3. It's not just real world jobs that stretch out like that but sounds like you're getting there. Looking forward to Edgehill.

    1. Many thanks Rob. Yes, looking forward to Edgehill too.

  4. I have quite a bit of re-decorating to do, which is rather had with a full house to be honest. Maybe when the weather warms up I might be able to do something as it does need some TLC. Good luck with your efforts and hope to see your gaming resume.

    1. Many thanks Steve. It is not helped that DIY/decorating is really not my thing requiring me to psyche myself up to the task. Good to know though that I have the rest of Cristot and Edgehill to look forward to on completion. Motivates me somewhat to finish the damn job!

  5. Jon are you continuing your 15x15 basing for the ECW, War of the Roses etc?

    1. Hi Paul. Yes, it is pretty much standard basing now for most periods. The exceptions being Pony Wars, Zulu Wars and WW2.
