
Friday 30 December 2022

Plans for 2023

As the new year approaches it is time to think about what I shall do over the next 12 months. Although I have had mixed results in sticking to previous years plans, I do tend to find it helps in focussing my attention rather than bursting off in all directions which I have been known to do!

As in previous years I will break down my plans into Battles, Campaigns, Painting/Modelling.

So without further ado, onto the plans:



Early Imperial Roman 2nd Augusta Legion v Ancient British Durotriges tribe in the west country.


Edgehill - Almost ready to play this and will be a priority in the new year.


Peninsular War project - Battle of Busaco 27th September 1810. There are a fair number of figures to paint before this game will be ready so probably 50:50 if this will be on the table in 2023.

Napoleonic Campaign - At the time of writing this I am still completing campaign map moves. There will certainly be at least one battle played out this coming year.


Gettysburg Day 2 - I have been intending for several years to play this game but for a variety of reasons has fallen by the wayside. There is no excuse though as my available gaming area is now sufficient for a battle of this size. There are terrain pieces that have yet to be painted but I simply have to get this up on the tabletop this coming year.


Rorkes Drift - Most of the figures have now been painted with just the terrain to be completed.


A priority to get the figures painted followed by terrain. I intend to make this one of the targets this year but unsure as to whether I will complete all the collection required. Hopefully though I will get something on the table even if only a test game.


Cristot (Normandy 1944) - Already on the board with an AAR due to be posted within the next few weeks.

Battle south of Nibeiwa - Operation Compass campaign and another priority for the year.

Groesbeek Heights - Op Market Garden. Another target but dependant on being able to get the figures painted in time.

Continued -



Roman invasion of Britain. A hillfort needs to be constructed whereupon the next battle will be played set in the west country - Dorset of course! This will be a priority early in the year.


Warplan 5/5 campaign to continue. There is currently a break in the action with all three French thrusts now held by the allies. Both sides are regrouping and recovering.


Another Warplan 5/5 campaign. This is not enthusing me up as much as the Napoleonic version. There are two battles pending but with Gettysburg a priority unlikely they will be played for another year. Rather than scrap the campaign I will may put it on ice for now.


Op Compass campaign to continue with 2 actions pending. At least one, and hopefully both, will be played.


Targets for the year:

I shall be aiming for 2,500 x 6mm figures painted. My targets:

300 x Pony Wars
400 x WW2  (Groesbeek Heights)
1400 x Napoleonic (Busaco)
400 x Punic Wars (Trebia)

Terrain - 

Rorkes Drift
Pony Wars buildings, fort, mining camp + various mountain passes etc.
Gettysburg - several buildings.

Maintenance on my terrain boards will be required. Some of them are showing their age and need a spruce up. If I get time I also intend to repaint the river sections making them a little more realistic.

In all likelihood there will be a few ships and aircraft to add to the list as well as other bits and pieces of terrain.

A happy new year to everyone and have a great wargaming year.


  1. A goodly list and a success even if only a part of that ambitious plan works out. Looking forward to Edgehill and 2nd day Gettysburg. I have recently picked up a Pike & Shot boardgame, Edgehill is on my radar.

    1. Many thanks Norm. Edgehill has been on my list since the early 70's! Half way through the final batch of figures and then good to go.

  2. Seems like a solid plan, Jon, at least until reality is confronted!
    A very happy New Year to you and yours!

    1. Many thanks Peter and a happy new year to yourself and family.

  3. Great and varied list of goals for the year. Perhaps something that I will get to after the coming year is over - I think it will be all about the 1813 project for me.

    I do like the way that you set a goal to add to your already existing armies to be able to put on a new game (eg: Bussaco). This something I may emulate.


    1. Many thanks Richard. Your mentions of 1813 are in danger of diverting me! Very tempting.

  4. There certainly is a lot to sink your teeth into for 2033. Looking forward to your posts on the battles coming soon.

  5. A very varied and interesting set of plans: best of luck in carrying it out.

  6. That is a lot of targets for two years let alone one, have a great 2023

    1. Hi Jon for your Pony Wars games which rule set do you envisage using? Regards Peter

    2. Hi Peter. It is the 'Pony Wars' rules by Baccus. A re-release of a fairly old set.

  7. Really looking forward to Rorkes Drift and a Pony Wars test game - good luck and all the best for 2023.

    1. Many thanks Rob and all the best to you too.

  8. I really like the way that you break down your goals between battles, campaigns and painting/modelling. You have inspired me to categorize my goals the same way. Many of my goals are focused on the 1943 Tunisia Campaign. Best of luck on making some hobby progress in 2023!

    1. Many thanks Scooby Drew, much appreciated. The Tunisian Campaign will be a fascinating project. My own North Africa campaign should eventually get there although I will need to speed things along from the current snails pace!
