
Wednesday 16 March 2022

On the Workbench: Prince Rupert's Horse

Since my last blog post I have completed 100 French infantry for Bussaco and now back to figures for Edgehill.

Continued -

This represents Prince Rupert's regiment of horse. All are Baccus figures.

Edgehill will be played at a figure ratio of 1:10 so a little under 3,000 will be required. I have approximately 1,300 more to paint so unlikely it will be on the tabletop this year although smaller ECW actions are planned in the meantime.

My house build has been delayed another month and now due for completion late April! In reality it will make little difference to my wargaming as I will need my garage prepped and on that score I have a contractor booked. I am keeping my fingers crossed that he can complete the works soon after I have moved in. 

For now I intend to continue making inroads into my lead pile.


  1. Nice paintwork Jon. I shall await a game report or two with them involved with bated breath

    1. Many thanks and looking forward to getting some ECW on the tabletop again.

  2. Nice to get a bit of a gee up - I need to get round to doing Rupert's Horse to complete my ECW armies.

    1. I do have a soft spot for the ECW. Probably goes back to my youth in the Sealed Knot/English Civil War Society.

    2. Been there, done that.

  3. Great work there Jon, but fair play for taking on painting so many figures up for the ECW, which is frankly beyond me! Fingers crossed no more delays on the house move and that you can get the garage converted pdq once you've moved in.

    1. Many thanks Steve. Starting to get withdrawal symptoms! Need that board back up asap!
