
Monday 28 February 2022

On the Workbench: SS Units for the Battle of Cristot

Preparation for the house move has necessitated packing away most of my terrain tiles meaning my wargaming will be on hold until after the move. The latest from the builder was another slight delay so at least a month away yet before that gets completed. Then there is the small matter of converting the garage!

My workbench is still active though and will continue to be so soon after the move. I am therefore concentrating on painting figures for future battles in my projects list.

Referring to a previous post I had intended to play Cristot, a WW2 Normandy game using 'O' Group rules but lost interest. Cristot was always on my 'to do' list but a larger version taken from a Rapid Fire scenario book and using Blitzkrieg Commander rules. The failed attempt at the 'O' Group game gave me the impetus to progress the BKC version.

On checking the orders of battle I found several German units needed to be completed along with a couple of British recce platoons. These were all painted in one lot and, apart from the British, are detailed here:

An overview of the German collection. Consisting of 5 x PzIVH, Sdkfz 231 8 rad armoured car, Sdkfz 10 and 11 halftracks, 5 x motor cycle combos, a SiG33 15cm infantry gun, 2 x MG42 on tripod sections, and 2 x Panzerschrek platoons.  

Continued -
I agonised over whether to base the motor cycle combos given that I really do not like basing any vehicles. These are Heroics & Ros and very small. The artillery crew to the right are also H&R but the updated version and as can be seen are rather larger. Eventually I will replace them with any new sculpts that come along. In the meantime I have left them unbased. 

The Panzer IVH tanks are all GHQ. Since buying these 2D6 Wargaming have released their version which I am sure will be as good and at half the price!

The rather nice H&R SiG33 15cm infantry gun and crew shows how they have progressed from their earlier sculpts. The Sdkfz 10 along with the Sdkfz 11 on the road could benefit from updating but are passable. In the foreground are the tripod mounted MG34/42 sections, also new H&R.

Another view of the combos and the Sdkfz 11 halftrack.

An H&R Sdkfz 231/2 8 rad armoured car.

And finally the two Panzerschrek armed platoons, again from the new H&R range.
Cristot can now be added to those games that are good to go when my wargames room is up and running.

A Baccus Pony Wars Wagon Train pack is close to completion but I have decided to have a break from that period (to keep me fresh!). 

The next Peninsular War battle will be Busaco and on checking the orders of battle have found approximately another 1,400 will be required! On the plus side it is nearly all infantry. It breaks down to around 400 French and allies, 300 - 400 British and 600 - 700 Portuguese. I can safely say it will not be played this year but have made a start with 100 French on the workbench primed and ready. 

Immediately following on from these are Prince Rupert's bluecoat horse regiment for the Edgehill project. This will be a large unit of 45 figures.

Blog posts may be a little sporadic for a time until the house move is completed but will hopefully be able to provide reasonably frequent updates on the painting progress.  


  1. very nice camo work on the vehicles. Good luck with the move.

  2. The Motorcycles might look a bit off at first without a base but they are probably more often on the road than the based units so I think this works well.

    For some reason, the road leading down the table in the first image is terrifying ;)

    1. Many thanks Pascal. The fact that vehicles tend to spend a great deal of their time on roads is one reason why I do not like basing them.

  3. Great work there Jon as always. I too don't like basing vehicles up by for my M/C's and M/C combos, I have too as the latter are made up of two castings and are not that strong, plus the former do not stand up on their own, especially when on the games mat etc.

    I've found out lately that with my current late WWII campaign, that I'm short of lots of command stands and odds 'n' sods, that I didn't think I needed. At least this has helped me focus my painting for once, so not all bad.

    Good luck with the move and look forward to reading the AAR of Cristot as and when it has been played.

    1. Mahy thanks Steve. I have been there with command stands and likewise, keep finding the odd vehicle or unit that needs painting!

      I am looking forward to playing Cristot and before I do I will be taking your lead and looking at using the recce rules from Battlegroup PanzerGrenadier.

    2. I'll be interested in your thoughts on these Jon. Also check out the Hidden/Ambush rules which are interesting too.

    3. Willdo, thanks for that Steve.

  4. Jon,

    Wow, those look fantastic! And I can't wait to see you get into Normandy, I'm pumped!

    On a side note: I've been quasi-intrigued by 'O Group,' watched tons of videos and and read lots of batreps and reviews. There are definitely some things that look interesting, and some things that bother me. If I may, what was it that turned you off?

    Looking forward to your assault on Caen!


    1. Many thanks Jack.

      Regarding 'O' Group. Very briefly, I struggled to get my head around some of the mechanisms especially the initial deployments. I could see that once familiar they may be an enjoyable set of rules to play but it became apparent that they did not really fit my style of play. I tend to be rather old-fashioned with preference for a more conventional method of command and control allowing for a degree of unpredictability but with the vagaries of dice rolls providing the majority of unexpected events.

      Another off-putting factor for me was the prescriptive method of picking your forces. i.e. a battalion with several supporting elements for each side. I appreciate you can vary that and there are rules for larger games but I find it more attractive for rules to be open ended in force composition. This is a relatively minor point but for me a little off-putting.

      If you have not seen them already, I would recommend the series of TooFatLardies youtube videos which demonstrate the rules.

      Hope that answers your Q.

    2. Jon,

      Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts, I appreciate it. Yes Sir, I've watched all the Lardy videos on Youtube. I share a similar concern with regards to force composition; a pet peeve of mine is nifty activation systems that don't work unless you have equal forces on each side. I'm not 100% convinced that is the case, but O Group appears to be very similar to Chain of Command and I had big problems with that with Chain of Command.

      But moreover, my concerns with O Group is that it seems to have some cool ideas, but then bends over backwards to complicate things. Yes, I know they seem to have done a good job with keeping similar mechanisms similar (fire and melee combat, for instance, the use of the spotting die for shooting is very clever), but I don't understand the need for having the command roll, Battalion orders, AND Company Commander special actions, and the use of combat patrols seems kind of cool but also kind of strange. None of the mechanisms by itself is overly burdensome, just when you add it all up I can imagine myself playing a game and looking back and thinking "damn, I forgot all about that rule..."

      Thanks again!


    3. I believe you hit the nail on the head there Jack. Cannot disagree with anything you have said and sums up better than I did as to why I decided they were not for me. At some point in the future I can see my having a dabble with some of the more attractive mechanisms and seeing how I can shoehorn them into other rules where possible. In the meantime though they will be placed on the back burner.

    4. Indeed, I can see myself taking a look at using a vastly simplified version of the rules, in which case I'm not sure how different it will be to the modified Chain of Command rules I used for my KG Klink campaign in Greece ;)

      In any case, I anxiously await your Cristot using BKC, as I continue to marshal my forces for... the 18 different campaigns I'm dreaming of doing ;)


    5. I know the feeling Jack. Unfortunately I do not think I will live long enough for France 1940, Barbarossa and Italian campaigns, not to mention all the other periods!

  5. These look great! Looking forward to the AAR on the battle.

  6. Wow! I am constantly amazed at the detail you manage on 6mm figures - you've got mad painting skills! Very much looking forward to the battle report and seeing further WW2 eye candy.

  7. Good morning Jon, those H and R combos are tiny good decision on the basing you made there though.

    Regards Peter

    1. Many thanks Peter. They certainly are small!
