
Saturday 9 October 2021

Pony Wars

 A new project!

It's probably not healthy starting another project when I have so many others on the go, but when Pete Berry at Baccus announced the release of the rejuvenated Pony Wars rules along with a new 6mm range it was too much to resist.

Even better, the rules are based on the films and TV show depictions of the US Cavalry v the Red Indians from days gone by rather than historical reality. As a child in the 60's my imagination was fired by the westerns of these presentations and many a happy time was had playing on the floor with my collection of Airfix figures along with the 'Fort Apache'. 

I have always had a soft spot for gaming the wild west but aside from my Airfix days, have only ever dabbled with 28mm and 15mm. This though is an opportunity to properly game the period with my favourite scale! Although described as 'skirmish' rules, up to 600 mounted braves will be required. A considerable task for the 15mm scale the rules were originally designed for.

Continued -

An order from Baccus has arrived -

It will be several months at least before these see the tabletop but it will allow me to get started inter-mingled with other projects.


  1. Good luck with this Jon. The rules seemed to have garnered a lot of interest recently since their re-release, from those that apparently played them first time around. I must confess that I have zero interest in this period, but will look forward to seeing what you do with these figures.

    1. Thanks Steve. Still working out how I am going to paint the Indians in particular but hopefully they will turn out ok.

  2. Interesting project this, Jon. Curious and looking forward for updates!

  3. I bet they will look fab when you've painted and based them.

    1. I hope so Jim. As mentioned to Steve above, the Indians will be slightly different from what I am used to so should be interesting.

  4. I remember the first time around with these rules, you are in for a treat.

    1. I was not familiar with these rules but they do look good.

  5. These are great rules - I've got the original set and bent them for many different periods and places. Part of the fun is that in multi-player games you're all on the same side but that will also make them great for solo play. Peter Gilder's Sudan rules (as recently compiled and printed by Carlo Pagano - With Pyjamas through the Desert blog) were also based on these. Enjoy!

    1. Many thanks for that Rob. I will look up those rules by Peter Gilder. Looking forward to giving these a try.

    2. Peter Gilder never published them, he only used them in his Wargames Holiday Centre. Carlo tracked down all the rules and compiled and published them as described on his blog.

    3. Thanks for that Rob. I found Carlo's version on Caliver Books selling for around £40 when p&p included. I have glanced through Carlo's blog and when I get time will take a closer look. Could be useful adapting for my Zulu Wars project.

    4. I reckon you can just as easily adapt Pony Wars as The Sands of the Sudan for your Zulu War project. I believe the rules are essentially the same it's just Peter Gilder's preferenc for game mechanics and different troop types and period flavour, e.g. special events that make the difference. The Pony Wars version is also better designed as a complete game as the homesteads provide a real raison d'ĂȘtre, such that I often thought the Boer War would be an interesting variant. In the latter the homesteads would be cleared/denied to the Kommandos rather than saved from them. Also the number of figures required would be greatly reduced.

    5. Some interesting ideas here Rob. Will also fit in nicely with 6mm.

  6. Looking good Jon, I plan on using the Pony Wars Rules, but am also adapting for Sharp Practice in 6mm, looking forward to seeing how this shapes up.

    1. Many thanks Stu. Sharp Practice in 6mm sounds intriguing.

  7. Interesting, Peter at Baccus is releasing some very good ranges at present and 6mm is really growing in popularity. Long may it continue.
    It will be interesting to see what engagement you pick with these first.

    Regards Peter

    1. Before I play the game in its entirety as per the book, I intend to have a test action just to see how the rules play. Not decided yet but the obvious being an Indian raid of some kind.
      All the best
