
Tuesday 5 October 2021

On the Workbench: Zulus!

 My Rorke's Drift project almost reached a milestone. 

Rorke's Drift will be played on a figure ratio of 1:1 with Zulu casualties recycled. To that end I planned on using around 1,200 Zulus which are now complete and appear in the photos below. I had not calculated on the number of figures per Zulu regiment which in the end gravitated towards 240 figures each. This left one regiment not quite complete and another only half complete. Another 145 figures required!

A rarity for me is movement trays. 40mm x 40mm mdf edged with the same card I use for the figure bases house 20 figures each. The Zulu warriors are 5 to a 18mm square base. Rifle armed Zulus are on the same sized bases but broken down into 1's. 2's and 3's. They are 12 to a movement tray 50mm x 25mm.

On now to the Rorke's Drift garrison while I wait for more Zulus from Baccus.

Continued -


  1. I like the recycle thought, may make the game run better with the figure count.

    1. Thanks pancerni. Did not fancy painting 4,000 of them!

  2. That is a very eye-catching look and even with recycling casualties, an ambitious project - but why doesn’t that surprise me :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Pleased I have achieved the 'wow' factor Jim.

  4. Blimey, that is impressive Jon! This game should certainly be spectacular to behold. Oh and of course you have to paraphrase the famous line from the film; "Zulu's Sir! One thousand two hundred of them!" Sorry, but couldn't resist;)

    1. Many thanks Steve. Lol... It brings it home how many of them there were when after the first volleys an infantryman comments "we must have killed 60 of them" eliciting a response "only 3940 to go!".

  5. Fantastic- A Zulu army en masse is a fearsome sight- and your force does it justice. Looks terrific!

  6. Looks relly great -I am looking forward to th battle report - what rules will you be using. I was wondering what made you go for edged mdf trays as opposed to magnetic basing - what is the advantages?

    1. Many thanks Sparta. I have not decided yet on the rules but between 'The Sword and the Flame', 'The Men Who Would be Kings' and a derivative of my newly purchased 'Pony Wars'. The only reason why I have not used magnetic basing is purely because I have never used them and unfamiliar. The advantage of edged trays is that it affords the figures a degree of protection when handling.

  7. Go on then, how long to paint that lot, recycling casualties is a good move...

    Regards Peter

    1. Hi Peter. It was actually done in two batches. Zulus can be speed painted with only the shields requiring a little more time. The downside being they are rather boring to paint! Recently I completed around 300 in 2 - 3 weeks. Normally it takes me at least a month to paint that many.

  8. Well I have to say 300 in 2-3 weeks is very good going, admittedly I have had hardly any wargame time recently but it has taken me that amount of time to prime and then paint 80+ GNW Russians.

    Regards Peter

    1. That's not bad Peter. I have the benefit of being retired so can usually devote a couple of hours a day to painting.
