
Monday 18 May 2020

On the Workbench: Waffen SS

Completed and ready for basing are almost 2 battalions of late war SS for use in my Market Garden and Reconnaissance in Strength projects.

These are all excellent new sculpts from Heroics & Ros range. I have confined the camo to the Oak leaf spring and autumn varieties with a few in field grey.

Looking forward to getting these on the table and using BKCIV in settings other than desert!. 


  1. Wow, hard to believe they are 6mm and are a World apart from their old ranges. You've done a great job on them and look forward to seeing them based and in action.

    1. Thanks Steve. They really are a leap forward and I am certainly looking forward to getting them on the tabletop.

  2. Those look fantastic, and by that I mean both the sculpts and the paintjobs! I'm with Steve; I was always a fan of HR, but those new sculpts are really something. Almost on par with your paintjob, truly amazing for 6mm. Looking forward to seeing them in combat.


    1. Many thank Jack. I bought my first H&R in the early '70's so a degree of brand loyalty! My only mild criticism is that it is a shame that when re-sculpting the vehicles they did not follow the figures into a slightly larger scale. i.e. 1/285. Their figures though, along with 2D6, have set a new benchmark.
