
Friday 15 May 2020

On the Workbench: HMS Ramillies

HMS Ramillies is now complete:

I am unclear on the progression of Navwar Sculpts so not sure how their latest HMS Ramillies compares. Certainly some of the recent models I have purchased have crisper detail. This lacked some of the deck detail you see on other ships, and the ships boats amidships were almost impossible to identify. Some detail I had to paint on but in the end it is a serviceable model. 

When painting 1/3000 ships I have found that exaggerating detail by applying bright highlights and dark recesses makes them 'pop' a little more. 

Developments on my other projects includes the Kingmaker campaign and a rebooting of my WW2 in the Aegean 'Op Nostalgia' campaign.

For Kingmaker I will be trying out Neil Thomas' Ancients & Medieval Warfare rules. More specifically the Medieval module. Steve J of the Wargaming Addict blog (link on the right) highlighted these rules and there is an example of a game on his blog. The game is ready to go as soon as the lockdown is lifted and my son can visit me! I will give more detail on the rules and my additions when I complete the AAR.

'Op Nostalgia' will be undergoing a reboot. That does not mean that I have canned the solo campaign that features on the blog. It will merely be put on ice to make way for a non-solo campaign. Another of my sons, who is now living with us, has specifically requested to play this campaign. We had started it many years ago but barely got off the ground before he joined the Navy. So the intention is to start on this soon. I have paired back the naval and air elements to reflect more of the original orbats by the scenario writers. This should speed up those elements of the campaign enabling us to crack on with the island hopping battles.

More on both of these campaigns soon.


  1. Well I'd be very happy with that ship Jon. As you say with these much smaller scales you almost have to go 'theatrical' on the highlights etc to make them stand out when on the table. And I'm glad to see my humble efforts have led to you giving these rules a go and look forward to reading the AAR, once the lockdown is lifted.

    1. Thanks Steve. I can see a lot of possibilities with Neil Thomas' rules and I have been playing around with adding command and control (as you have done) and victory and defeat criteria. I will flesh all this out more when I post the AAR but basically maintaining the simplicity and only adding bits and pieces around the core rules. It has certainly grabbed my attention and looking to try them out with my EIR v Ancient Britons in due course.

  2. Like the shading..Very effective

  3. The ship looks very good, and I'll be interested to see how your Ancient experimentation works out!

  4. This is an interesting decision Jon will keep a watchful eye on this: Kingmaker I will be trying out Neil Thomas' Ancients & Medieval Warfare rules. More specifically the Medieval module.



    1. I have been scrabbling around for years trying to find a set of Ancients rules that I am happy with. Keeping my fingers crossed that these will be the they.

  5. Good paint job on model .. works for me
