
Friday 6 December 2019

New Russian WW2 Project - Reconnaissance in Strength

I have spent the last few days pouring over various scenarios and books seeking a suitable game to kickstart my WW2 Russian front project. As you will have seen, inspired by the new figures from 2D6 Wargaming, I felt that it really was about time I involved myself in some Soviet action. It is one of those theatres of war that I have always intended to play, but apart from a brief foray almost 50 years ago using Airfix figures, it never made it to the tabletop.

The criteria I used to select the scenario was that it was not just to be interesting and fun to play, but also with orbats where I could use the goodies being produced by 2D6 and also the new sculpts from Heroics & Ros. I did not want to be in the position of waiting for months, if not years, for the required figures and vehicles to be available (yes H&R do just about everything but many of their products have yet to be updated).

Having gone through my collection of books including some great scenarios in the Rapid Fire Scenario book 3, as well as the extensive scenario listings in Panzer Grenadier (thanks Kevin), I struggled to find what I was looking for.

I then had that Eureka moment. A book caught my eye on my bookshelves that I have used far too rarely over the years. The excellent "Programmed Wargames Scenarios" by Charles Grant.

It contains a mini-campaign "Reconnaissance in Strength" which fits the bill and should be great to play. This book is tailored for solo-play and I could foresee it being ideal to report in a fun way on my blog.

Jack Diomede did an ACW version of this campaign a couple of years ago on his Tabletop Commanders blog and can be found here

Jack showed the versatility of 6mm in that each table was just 17" x 17"! If you really are pushed for space this shows what can be achieved in this scale.

For my game though each table will be much larger. I have yet to determine the precise dimensions but want it to be sufficient for each table to present a decent challenge to a WW2 force.

These are the 10 tables to be reconnoitered by the Russians. Tables 3 - 9 are randomised. The maps in the book provide the basic topographical features allowing the gamer to add any detail necessary for the period wargamed. I will probably add quite a few features and terrain details to provide cover and interest.

The basics of the scenario are that several Russian reconnaissance in strength forces explore various mountain passes in preparation for a major offensive. This is one such pass representing a long valley in which they must travel.

In my game I will play the Russians with an AI opponent playing the Germans defending the valley. My force will be based around a motorised infantry brigade accompanied by a medium tank battalion along with various supports including artillery and recce units. The way I intend to report the action on my blog will be through my eyes as the Russians tentatively advance along the valley not knowing what they face.

I will go into more background detail when the campaign starts proper. My order has gone into 2D6 and it will be a small matter of painting the goodies before I start!

I am conscious that this is yet another project. In order to avoid spreading myself so thin that nothing ever gets done, I will be limiting the number of projects to those already listed in the "My Collections and Projects" tab above. This mean that something has to give. Sorry to say for those lovers of the 2mm scale, I will have to mothball that one for now.

As with my other projects, I will periodically report on my preparation progress and I have created a label "WW2 Recce in Strength" for ease of accessing the relevant posts.  


  1. Jon, Hitting your Collections and Projects tab left me amazed as to just how much wargaming ground you cover - excellent.

    1. Thanks Norm. Keeps everything fresh..... and me stretched!

  2. Well the PWS book is simply superb and one that I often overlook when looking for scenario ideas. I didn't realise that it included a mini-campaign, which is somewhat embarassing. What I do love about it is your 'opponent' can have a variety of orders/actions as well as a mix of units to choose from. So I'm off to have a re-read of this later on today with an eye for using it for some games/campaigns in the New Year.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how this pans out with your 6mm forces as I too have planned to game the Eastern Front on and off over the past 10 years or so. Somehow it has never really got onto the painting table, despite having all of the troops I need.

    1. I have been in a similar position in the past with a Russian lead pile in 15mm that got repeatedly sidelined. I am looking forward to getting this one underway. You have to give it to Charles Grant, he really new how to create interesting scenarios. I am only using the units in suggested in the book as a guideline but in overall numbers will not be too dissimilar.

    2. Yep, his scenario books (inc Stuart Asquith) are a wonderful resource from which to create interesting games. Having just read his PWS mini-campaigns, I think we may use the Recce one for some planned ACW gaming in the New Year. Shenandoah Valley here we come!

    3. Sounds good to me. I had also considered my Early Imperial Romans moving through Wales to deal with those dastardly druids on Anglesey. May have to explore that as a possibility for the future.

    4. The PWS contains TWO mini-campaigns. I have played (a zillion years ago) the 'Expeditionary Force' as an American Civil War peninsular campaign.

    5. That's right. Both have been on my to-do list pretty much since I purchased the book in the 70's.

  3. Looking forward to this. An excellent idea to use PWS and I thoroughly enjoyed reading Ian's exploits using it for his ACW games.


    Richard P

    1. Thanks Richard. As I am typing this, a delivery has just arrived from 2D6 in double quick time. A quick perusal of the T34's and my goodness, are they good. As soon as I have finished my ECW figures followed by some WOTR for Kingmaker, these will be next on the list. Strongly suspect I will have to 'dabble' before then!

  4. Just gone to the bookshelf and pulled it out to peruse. You have started something now.....



    1. Lol. Quite often it is still the case that those old ones are the best.

  5. A great idea, I'm looking forward to it very much. And I'm jealous of all the guys here that already have the book, need to see if I can lay my hands on it.


    1. Many thanks Jack. Best of luck in finding a copy.

  6. I'll be very interested to see how this goes. For some reason I have never really looked at the Recce in force mini-campaign. Like Norm, I am most impressed by the games programme you have set yourself!

    1. Thanks AP. I have found one of the benefits of blogging is instilling a level of self-discipline in restricting the number of projects to what is achievable helping to keep me focused. In the past I tended to adopt a scatter-gun approach leaving me with goodness knows how many part finished projects.

  7. Looks like a fine setting for your mini-campaign

    1. Thanks Peter. I agree, should be an interesting one to play through.

  8. I look forward to this, Jon. Had the chance to buy the book a couple of years ago for £25 but didn't. Just checked with one of my booksellers and they have a copy for £330!!!

    1. If you see it again for £25 I would snap it up! I would be nice to see some of these publications available again even if only in pdf format.

  9. Hi Kevin
    I have seen it as low as £60 - £80 pounds on Amazon as a used copy when I was trying to obtain my Great Northern War references but they are a bit like hens teeth.


