
Thursday 28 November 2019

Figure Review: New WW2 Russian Infantry from 2D6 Wargaming Part 2 - Painted

As promised in the first part of this review I have painted up a handful of the new WW2 Russians from 2D6 Wargaming. Here are the results:

They consist of Rifle, SMG, 82mm Mortar, Anti Tank rifles and Female Sniper bases.

Continued -

A closer view of each base -

R11 Riflemen

R11 Riflemen

R20 SMG's

R20 SMG's

R40 82mm Mortar

R40 82mm Mortar

R50 Anti-Tank Rifle teams

R50 Anti-Tank Rifle teams

R50 Anti-Tank Rifle teams

Female Snipers

Female Snipers
Not a great deal more to be said from the first review other than that the painting process confirmed my view that these are good quality figures and worthy of recommendation. It also confirmed to me that they are almost identical to the new Heroics & Ros figures with regard to ease of painting. Prep time was also quick with no flash to speak of and any minor mould lines were easily removed.

These are sturdy little figures that will endure years of handling with little or no fear of breakages. 


  1. Blimey, you've done a great job on those Jon. Hard to believe they are 6mm!

  2. Top class, Jon, and I like the use of flexible basing options; an approach I will adopt in future.

    1. Many thanks Kevin. I like the option of slotting figures into the terrain. So the snipers in particular can secrete themselves in the nooks and crannies of the board.

  3. They have come out really well with your painting technique Jon

