
Sunday 3 November 2019

On the Workbench: ECW Parliamentary Foote

The Parliamentary foote regiments are now complete for the Battle of Glastonbury. As can be seen they will be heavily outnumbered by their Royalist equivalents.

The 4 figure pike bases are ok so far. Not as fiddly as I thought they may have been. That said I probably would not want an entire army based in this way but all being well this should only affect a minority of regiments.

I apologise for the photo. With Seven Pines and all the associated clutter (rulebook, dice, QRS etc) taking up much of the available space, I have had to squeeze them into one corner of the ACW battlefield.

The Parliamentarian cavalry are now underway and with that the nice feeling that comes with a project nearing completion.


  1. Lovely work as usual Jon


  2. Congratulations on nearing completion of this phase of the project, and the regiments are looking good no matter how you base them! L:-)

    1. Many thanks Peter. Just wait until I start basing them singly!!

  3. Good morning Jon

    Looks good. I am still working on the 6mm figure to base ratio in my man cave (Garage) but it seems that four to the base seems a reasonable compromise. My play tests this weekend have shown 6 or 8 figures with a three or four frontage is the easiest to handle but a six frontage gives the most realistic look on the battlefield when lined up in four bases (24 across).
    Lots of ideas but it will all come down to how the individual who is playing solo feels comfortable with.



    1. Hi Peter,
      When I conclude Day 1 of my Seven Pines battle you will see the advantage of smaller bases given the amount of terrain on the board. I am quite pleased with the results and difficult to imagine how I could get the same look with large bases.
      All the best

  4. Nice looking units Jon, but a tad too fiddly for my hands these days!

    1. Many thanks Steve. I can safely say that a minimum of 6 figures will be the norm with a few exceptions.

  5. Well done, Jon, and you make a very good point about terrain; one which may come to haunt me!

    1. I went through the painful experience of rebasing over 4,000 Napoleonics from 60mm x 30mm to my present small bases. Doing them in batches alongside other projects kept me sane! Having said that, one of my sons, who is into wargaming (so long as I paint the figures!) should be in a position soon to continue the Kingmaker campaign. When he does I will be biting the bullet and looking to some of the more recent element based rules for speed of play. Smaller actions are ok but larger battles played out my way is really more suitable for solo where time is not an issue.

  6. Looks promising Jon. Looking forward to see the Royalists now!

  7. Hi Jon

    Looking forward to the big battles. At the moment the hobby has had to take a back seat but should be back in the firing line this weekend.



    1. Hi Peter. Know the feeling. I had this week carefully planned with a combination of painting and getting 'Seven Pine' up on the blog only to be interrupted by the real world several times! Hope to crack on enjoying myself today.

      All the best
