
Thursday 31 October 2019

On the Workbench: ECW Pike Basing

I return to the conundrum of basing my pike blocks for regiments with 16 figures. My standard basing for foot figures is 6 on a 15mm x 15mm base. This though would have to be 8 on a 20mm x 15mm or 4 on a 10mm x 15mm base.

The issues to be considered are practicality, appearance when in march column and versatility in casualty removal. 

Having now reached the basing stage for this batch of figures I trialled them as follows:

The first two photos shows the 8 figures option on two bases. When sandwiched between my traditionally based musketeers they actually looked better than I expected. In fact perfectly reasonable.

And now the 4 figure option on a 2 figure frontage. This clinched it for me for the march column test. Although the 8 figure base was ok, this looked a better representation.

For casualty removal, a smaller figure base has the obvious advantage in better representing a gradual reduction in unit strength. So another tick there.

Finally, practicality of handling such small bases in this scale with the potential of slowing play. I decided that given the other advantages, and the fact that this affects only small numbers of figures at present, that it would be worth basing them using the 4 figure option. Peter Little (his blog, 'Little's Wargames Diary', is listed on the right) has also conducted this experiment and feels they are not too small to handle. Having now glued them to their bases I get the same feeling. Only when in play will I know for certain whether I have made the right choice but I am cautiously optimistic.

You have a sneak preview of the ACW battle 'Seven Pines' in these photos which is currently being played through. The ECW intruded briefly!


  1. Hi Jon. Have you considered mounting the figures on magnetic material? By cutting a 20mm x 15mm section and mounting it underneath you can hold the two sections together in battle and separate them on the march. Nowadays magnetics can be razor thin so the ‘double base’ won’t really show.

    1. Hi Mike. Magnetised basing is one of those things I have seen and heard much about but never really tried (other than WW2 aircraft). Something I may well have to consider. Thanks for reminding me of this option.

    2. Jon, I use self-adhesive magnetic sheet on the bottom of all my bases which are then stored in plastic boxes lined with Ferrosheet, a soft iron flexible sheet that holds them very securely. Both products cut easily with scissors. For 28mm bases I use 0.8mm thickness magnetic sheet but for 6mm the thinner 0.5mm works fine. There is no need to cover the whole base and for my 60x30 I use pieces around 40x15. If necessary several bases can then be placed on thin steel bases which are widely available in a range of sizes.

    3. Thanks Kevin. Looking ahead it had occurred to me to use magnetic bases rather than movement trays if I decide to go down playing the large Borodino sized games in 6mm rather than 2mm. Certainly food for thought and may try experimenting soon.

  2. I prefer the two figure frontage...looks better in column and it is more convenient.

    1. Same here Jim. Finishing off the bases today and should have the results up on the blog over the weekend.

  3. Looks good, Jon. I'll be interested in your views on practicality over time.

    1. Thanks Kevin. I am looking forward to getting Glastonbury underway - ECW has been neglected for too long.

  4. Hi Jon

    Looking good, only the game will give a final decision on which way to go.



  5. I think the large 8 figure bases look perfectly fine myself, but whatever works best for you. With the 4 base Pike scheme, you have more bases in 6mm than I use in 28mm. However, I don't use any rules with casualty removal, either.

    1. A touch of OCD on my part. Casualty removal is something that has been with me my entire wargaming life albeit with a few exceptions such as DBM and currently BKC. I have now completed the bases and will be up on the blog tomorrow. So far ok but will not know for certain until I have a game. Not averse though to the 8 figure base if needs be.

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