
Thursday 17 January 2019

On the Workbench: Desert Terrain

Work is not fully underway on producing terrain for future battles. First up is desert terrain for the 'Nibeiwa' WW2 action. 

A number of barbed wire sections have been completed:

I began work on wadis. I will cover more on the construction of these in subsequent 'On the Workbench' posts. I began by cutting out softwood bases:
The edges have been surformed and the plan is to have the floor of the wadi roughly 20mm wide to allow for an infantry base width. This is bordered by approximately 20mm wide banks.

Various cork 'rocks' have been added. 

A start has been made on adding filler to create the wadi banks. 


  1. An interesting one to follow Jon, your design ideas are commendable.



    1. Many thanks Peter. Just hope they turn out ok!

  2. Jon, the wadi are going to look good. My anxiety over these sort of things is always warping as the filer dries out. I have taken to using Ronseal multi purpose Wood Filler for basing, but even that can cause very slight movement over an 80mm length. It has the advantage of being brown. The cheapest that I have seen it is in Wilkos (UK) and the small tub (250gm) looks more cost effective than the small tube.

    1. Thanks Norm. Yes I had concerns about warping too having been caught out in the past. I use 'One Strike' filler which is very light and appears to contain less moisture. It can still warp though. For the large sections I weighed down the ends to keep flat during the drying process (One Strike dries quickly). One or two have shown a very slight warping which should not be noticeable. The next stage I have to be careful of is applying the texture (mostly sand) surface but should be ok.

    2. Try painting the underside with a gloss paint.
      Cheers, Richard P

    3. Thanks Richard will give that a try.

    4. I have sprayed gloss varnish on bases I have feared may warp which seems to work ok. Do you reckon gloss paint would be better?

    5. Sorry completely missed this! Never tried gloss varnish I guess it should have a similar effect.
      Cheers, Richard P

    6. Thanks Richard. I managed to avoid warping but only just! Will def spray gloss varnish next time.
