
Monday 14 January 2019

On the Workbench: 10mm AWI Leib Bn and barbed wire!

The final unit for the AWI 'White Plains' scenario has been completed. The Hessian Leib battalion:

Continued -

I have made a start on the terrain for the next WW2 North Africa battle 'Nibeiwa camp' in the shape of barbed wire. I am using the 2D6 Wargaming Youtube guide as a method and so far am impressed. It took less than 5 minutes to complete the 3 lengths on the photo and that included time wasted fiddling about on my first attempt (the top one of the 3). Just need to be based and good to go. The guide can be found here,

Finally for this week I have assembled to 2 x S-Boats that came free with the December issue of Wargames Illustrated. They will be stored until needed at which point they will be painted up. I intend modelling a couple of harbours for 6mm so a few craft in this scale will be useful to populate them.


  1. You are doing a great job on these 10s, Jon!

  2. That’s a great looking battalion! Thumbs up!

  3. I am coming to really like the look of 10mm Tricorn troops; the flags are especially nice!

    1. Many thanks Peter. They are certainly nice sculpts from Pendraken.

  4. Stunning colours and excellent painting of your figures.
