
Tuesday 24 April 2018

Nap Campaign: Map Moves 18th March - nightfall 20th March 1808

Nightfall 18th March 1808

Nightfall 19th March 1808

Nightfall 20th March 1808
Overall situation showing Grouchy retreating in the west and Napoleon advancing in the east. Lobau in the south is awaiting reinforcements. In eastern Franch 3 battalions of Swiss have landed as reinforcements and are on the way to join Lobau.

Nightfall 18th March 1808

Nightfall 19th March 1808

Nightfall 20th March 1808
A closer look at the situation in the north west. Grouchy has fallen back through Hanover to it's southern border. Marcognet (blue 13) with the 3rd Division is now retracing it's steps south along the coast now followed by Col Best and his Hanoverian/Dutch/Belgian force (yellow 4 and orange 2).

Grouchy has made a stand before crossing the border into France and is engaged by a joint, Dutch/Belgian, Havoverian, Brunswick and Prussian force. The Battle of Rosenheim will commence at 0900 hours on 21st March.

Nightfall 18th March 1808

Nightfall 19th March 1808

Nightfall 20th March 1808
In the north west Blucher's routing Prussian army has fallen back on it's capital Grissburg. Blucher has vowed he will not retreat from the capital along with it's valuable industrial centre. His army rallies on the capital with the French army halted to the south. Ryssel and the 14th Brigade (green 7) is making with all haste to join Blucher. 

Nightfall 18th March 1808

Nightfall 19th March 1808

Nightfall 20th March 1808
In the south, Lobau is on the defensive with the increasing British reinforcements tipping the balance in favour of the allies. He hopes to lure the allies away from their defensive position into terrain more favourable to him. 

Nightfall 20th March 1808
In the north west of Holland, British forces continue to land under the command of General Hill.

NEXT: The Prince of Orange attempts to drive the French out of Hanover in The Battle of Rosenheim


  1. Great to see the Campaign up and running again. Looking forward to the Battle of Rosenheim.
    Cheers, Richard P

    1. Thanks Richard. Yep, normal service resumed.

  2. Cool to see someone else's use of the map cards!

  3. Several different fronts developing here! The French look over extended now, but we'll see!
