
Monday 23 April 2018

My Collections and Projects

Here you will find information about my wargames collections together with current projects and those under consideration for the future. It will be updated regularly as my collections change and projects progress. 


Currently Underway

1.  6mm Wars of the Roses:
     Kingmaker campaign

     Next Battle: Ludlow 

2.  10mm AWI:
     Working through British Grenadier Scenario books.

     Next Battle:  White Plains  28th October 1776

3.  6mm Napoleonic:
     Peninsular War playing all the notable actions from 1808 in chronological order. Initially British
     army involvement but in due course hope to include all Spanish actions.

     Next Battle: Oporto  12th May 1809

4.  6mm Napoleonic:
     Fictional campaign as a means of bringing into action all the Napoleonic forces I own and have

     Next Battle: Battle of Erfurt  (Prussia v France)

5.  6mm ACW:
     Working through Guns at Gettysburg and Fire & Fury Scenario books.
     Next Battle:  Big Bethel  10th June 1861

6.  6mm ACW:
     Day 2 Battle of Gettysburg from scenario in original Fire & Fury rulebook but using Guns
     at Gettysburg rules.

7.  6mm WW2:
     Refighting actions in chronological order in N. Africa using Blitzkrieg Commander

     Next Battle: Into the Gap 19th Nov 1940 (8th Army v Italians)

8.  6mm WW2:
     Scenarios from Rapid Fire Op Market Garden book with intention of fighting entire 
     operation as a campaign when appropriate forces have been painted.

     Next Battle:   Battle in the Woods (Brit Paras v Germans)

Projects Stalled
A good few years ago 2 campaigns began which, for various reasons, ran out of steam:

1.   15mm Colonial:
      War in the Sudan campaign using a fictional map loosely based on the Sudan. This will
      definitely continue although it may be rebooted on a wholly fictional landscape to allow all my
      colonial factions to take part.

2.  15mm WW2:
     Op Nostalgia. This is a fictional allied invasion of Italian and German held Greek islands in the 
     Aegean. Air and Naval elements also used. The last battle 12 years ago! How time flies!! I am 
     tempted to restart this but using 6mm. It will need a considerable amount of work to write new 
     Orders of Battle and also review the campaign rules.     

Numbers quoted are painted only.


Ancients:       Total  1,800
                       Early Imperial Roman
                       Ancient British

Medieval:      Total  900

                      Wars of the Roses Lancastrian and Yorkist

Napoleonic:   Total  12,500


ACW:            Total  4,100


WW2:            Total  596 + 181 vehicles

                       British 8th Army
                       British 44/45 NW Europe
                       Italian N.Africa


AWI              Total  320



Ancients:        Total  500

                       Neo Assyrian
                       Polybian Roman

Medieval:      Total  350

                      Wars of the Roses Lancastrian and Yorkist

ECW:             Total  100


Pirates:           Total  100

Napoleonic:   Total  1,500


ACW:            Total  800


Wild West:     Total  60

Colonial:        Total  300

WW2:            Total  800 + 150 Vehicles

                       German 44/45 NW Europe
                       British 44/45 NW Europe
                       USA 44/45 NW Europe
                       British 8th Army
                       German DAK
                       Italian N. Africa

1/600 Naval

ACW:            Total 8 ships


WW2:          Total 12 ships


1/1200 Naval

WW2:           Total  80 ships approx (painted in 70's, most in need of drydocking!)


1/2400 Naval

Napoleonic:   Total 20 ships  (can be any nationality)

1/3000 Naval

WW1:          Total 15 ships


WW2:          Total 99 ships






  1. Sounds like you going to be very busy for a long time Jon. Perfect wargami9ng situation to be in!

    1. I envy gamers who are able to confine themselves to one or two periods Carlo. I have to force myself not to get drawn in to too much! The nice thing though is it keeps my wargaming fresh flicking between different periods.

  2. Looking forward to seeing all this. Quick question can you remember what colours you used for your Italian North African stuff.
    Cheers, Richard P

    1. I did a quick job on them to get them on the table so it was pretty basic. The vehicles and tanks were primed with Army Painter Desert Yellow. They were given a wash of GW Agrax Earthshade and then went old school with a drybrushing of Humbrol 63 Matt Sand. Tank tracks codex grey and finished off with a very light drybrush of Coat d' Arms 233 Linen. Figures were primed with the same primer, washed in Agrax Earthshade and drybrushed in Cd'A 506 Desert Sand.

  3. Jon, you have many irons in the fire! Good luck with them all!

  4. Catching my breath after the rush to get everything ready for the big Snappy Nappy game... I love reading about the collections of other gamers, and there's a lot to love here!

    Might I humbly suggest making this into a "page" on your blog (assuming blogspot has that capability)?

    1. Thanks Peter. I will look into creating a page. Still getting my head around the technical aspects of this blog.
