
Tuesday 14 May 2024

On The Workbench: Pony Wars

A few weeks ago, prior to my splurge on painting ships, I completed all the figures for Pony Wars with the exception of 4 cannon and crew awaiting a new Baccus order. In the meantime I will use artillery from my ACW collection to plug the gap. There are a total of 1,150 figures in the collection.

What follows covers the entire figure collection:

Mounted Braves. 480 have been completed, 120 short of the number recommended in the rules. 

Mounted Braves
Continued -
Mounted and dismounted braves and buffalo.

Mounted and dismounted braves and buffalo.

Settlers and civilians. 

Settlers and civilians. 

Settlers and civilians. 

Volunteer and Indian Scouts

US Army

US Infantry

US Ammo wagons, limbers and gatling guns.

US Fort by Leven Miniatures.

Various rocky hills/passes are in the process of being made including a mine, but I am hoping to fill in much of what I need from my existing terrain inventory. An Indian village is in the pipeline along with a few buildings including a mission.


  1. Spectacular Jon, simply spectacular! I can only admire your dedication in seeing this through which frankly is beyond me.

  2. An impressive carpet of Indians! Loads of ancillary figures as well. What is the blue you're using on the horse-holders and horses - it almost seems to glow? Really looking forward to seeing these guys in action.

    1. Many thanks Rob. The blue is Vallejo 925. It is not quite as vibrant as in the photos. My photographic skills are rather basic and certain colours seem to 'glow'. It is down to the lighting and something I struggle to get right.

  3. Wow, that is very impressive!

  4. Nice to see the production line up to its usual speed Jon

  5. Great stuff Jon, I must be honest when I opened mine it looked rather daunting but it's great to get it all complete.... The Sioux look fantastic, looking forwards to see them in future blog posts.

    1. Many thanks for that Stu. Yes it is daunting especially when you see the pile of mounted figures!
