
Saturday 16 March 2024

Defending the Malay Barrier: Turn 2, 1st - 15th January 1942


The Japanese Eastern Attack Force are now operating out of Davao allowing them to ramp up operations. The allies have yet to form ABDACOM and are operating individually.

In an attempt to disrupt the Japanese, the Royal Navy operate out of Singapore, the Dutch out of Batavia, the USN out of Surabaya, and the Australians from Darwin. The map shows the planned movements including Japanese supply convoys, invasion fleets and naval patrols.

The weather is good with clear skies and clear visibility. A carrier air strike from the Ryojo takes advantage of the good conditions successfully locating the Dutch to the west of Borneo. 

Cengroup under Admiral Doorman in his flagship, the De Ruyter, leads a sweep towards the north of Borneo sights aircraft approaching from the north east. The first action of turn 2 begins.

Continued - 

The Dutch force sails his force north hoping to intercept a Japanese invasion fleet. Along with the De Ruyter are the cruisers Tromp and Java escorted by 7 Admiralen class destroyers.

4 Japanese 'Kate' torpedo bombers swoop from the east towards the Dutch on the deck with 3 'Claude' fighters approaching from the north.

The 'Claude' fighters straff the Dutch ships diverting some AA fire from the torpedo bombers. Nevertheless, the Dutch succeed in shooting down one torpedo bomber with the remaining aircraft launching their torpedoes.

Each aircraft represents a flight of 3 and therefore 9 torpedoes are in the water. 6 heading towards the Java and 3 the Tromp.

The Java, turning hard to starboard, breathes a sigh of relief as all 6 torpedoes pass by their stern.

The Tromp comes closest to being hit being within the spread of torpedoes. Evasive action proves to be just enough to avoid being hit.

The Japanese peel away with some explaining to do!


  1. Surely not really a surprise that a small strike like this, coming on direction, against alert, agile and fast warships failed to score any hits? A nice convincing action though and looking forward too seeing what the evil empire comes up with next.

  2. Oh this looked good ! And really tempted me to get some naval action played

    1. Many thanks Demitri. Always had a soft spot for naval games.

  3. Looks more like a probing attack to test the Dutch strength. 12 torpedo bombers doesn't strike one as a heavy attack. The Japanese pilots might claim to have wounded of the vessels perhaps...? Just to divert from themselves official wrath for total failure?

    1. The Ryojo was unable to get their full compliment of aircraft in the air, not helped by being a small carrier. No room for excuses though!

  4. Fascinating campaign, your situation on table is very interesting. Looking forward to seeing more of the ABDA fleet actions.

  5. Hi Jon, an interesting first squabble for the Dutch, I wonder what the Japanese pilots went through on their return.

  6. Well so far the Dutch have certainly dodged a bullet (or torpedoes in this case)! Naval games not really my thing but this does look great as a game and campaign:).

    1. I have always been interested in naval stuff Steve but I can see why it would not appeal to everybody.

  7. Most excellent! Following with interest. What rules are you using, if you don't mind my asking?


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