
Saturday 6 January 2024

Edgehill 1642

This is a battle I have intended to play ever since my days with ECW re-enactment societies in the 1970's. In those days it was 25mm Hinchliffe and Minifigs but I never seemed to be able to collect anywhere near enough to do it justice. Not to mention the pathetically small number of painted figures!

6mm has finally provided that opportunity without breaking the bank and in a small enough space that will fit in the garage. 

A very brief background to the battle:

King Charles I marched his army on London held by Parliament. The Earl of Essex commanding the main Parliamentary field army of similar size marched to intercept the Royalists with both armies meeting at Edgehill becoming the first major battle of the war. The outcome was indecisive but nevertheless prevented the triumphant entry into London that the Royalists were hoping for.

If King Charles succeeds in defeating Essex in my replay then the course of history will be changed!

The Battle of Edgehill
23rd October 1642
Table Size 6' x 3'9"
Rules - Forlorn Hope
Figure Ratio 1:10
Artillery Ratio 1:2

Continued -

Orders of Battle

"LV" refers to leadership value in the rules.
The ratio detailed in the foot regiments is the Musketeer:Pike ratio

210 Horse, 144 Dragoons, 980 Foote, 8 cannon. Total 1,366

Commissary - Earl of Essex (LV2)

General of Horse - Earl of Bedford (LV1)

General of Foote - Sir John Merrick (LV2)

Left Wing Horse - Lord Ramsay (LV1)
Ramsay's Regt:  Trotters, Trained,  30
Sir William Waller's Regt:  Trotters, Trained, 30
Arthur Goodwin's Regt:   Trotters, Raw,  24
Willoughby's Regt:   Trotters, Raw,   21
Commanded Musketeers from Holles' Regt:   Raw  36
Commanded Musketters from Ballard's Regt:   Raw,  24

Right Wing Horse - Sir William Balfour  (LV2)
Lord General's Regt:    Trotters, Trained,   30
Sir William Balfour's Horse:   Trotters, Raw,   24
Lord Fielding's Horse:   Trotters, Raw   18
Col John Browne's Dragoons:   Raw,   42
Col James Wardlawe's Dragoons:   Raw,   30

Detached Horse
Balfour's Troop Cuirassiers:   Trotters, Trained,   9
Bedford's Troop Cuirassiers:   Trotters, Trained,   9
Stapleton's Troop Cuirassiers (Lord General's Lifeguard):   Trotters, Trained,   9
Draper's Troop Horse:   Trotters, Trained,   6

Sir John Meldrum's Brigade (LV1)      Vanguard
Meldrum, Saye & Sele's Regt: Trained   3:2    80     
Lord Robarte's Regt:    Raw   1:1    64   
Constable's Regt:     Raw    3:2    60 
Sir William Fairfax's Regt:     Trained      2:1    72   
2 x light cannon    Raw
1 x medium cannon    Trained
1 x heavy cannon    Raw

Charles Essex's Brigade  (LV1)        Battle
Charles Essex's Regt:    Trained     2:1      72
Chomley's Regt:    Raw      3:2      104
Mandeville's Regt:    Trained     3:2      80
Wharton's Regt:     Raw      1:1     80
2 x light cannon     Raw
1 x medium cannon    Raw
1 x heavy cannon    Raw    

Thomas Ballard's Brigade (LV1)       Rearguard
Lord General's Regt 1:     Trained     2:1      72
Lord General's Regt 2:     Trained     2:1      72
Brooke's Regt:     Raw       1:1      80
Ballard's Regt:     Raw       1:1      48
Holles' Regt:     Raw       1:2      36

270 Horse, 168 Dragoons, 1007 Foote, 10 cannon. Total  1485

CinC King Charles I  (LV2)

General of Foote - Jacob Astley  (LV2)

General of Horse - Prince Rupert  (LV3)

Prince Rupert's Brigade of Horse   (Right Wing)
Prince Rupert's Horse:   Gallopers, Trained - Elite,    45
King's Lifeguard:   Gallopers, Trained - Elite,      27
Prince of Wales' Regt:   Gallopers, Raw - Elite,     39
Prince Maurice Regt:    Gallopers, Raw - Elite,     18
Lord Byron's Brigade of Horse   (LV1)
Lord Byron's Horse:  
Gallopers, Raw - Elite,     21

General Wilmot's Brigade of Horse  (LV2)   (Left Wing)
Wilmot's Horse: Gallopers, Raw,     30
Grandison's Horse: Gallopers, Raw,     15
Earl Carnarvon's Horse:  Gallopers, Veteran,     24
Lord Digby's Brigade of Horse   (LV1)
Lord Digby's Horse:  Gallopers, Raw,     24
Ashton's Horse:    Gallopers, Raw,     18

Gentlemen Pensioners Cuirass:   Trotters,  Veteran - Elite,    9
William Legge's Firelocks:  Trained,    9
Col James Usher's Dragoons:  Trained,    42
Col Edward Grey's Dragoons:  Raw,   18
Col Duncombe's Dragoons:      Raw,   24

Charles Gerrard's Brigade of Foote    (LV1)
Gerrard's Regt:   Trained,    2:3      60
Dyve's Regt:    Raw,    1:1      48
Dutton's Regt:    Trained    1:1    64
1 x light cannon      Trained
1 x heavy cannon     Raw

Col Fielding's Brigade of Foote      (LV1)
Fielding's Regt:      Raw,     3:2       60
Lunsford's Regt:     Trained,   1:1     64
Bolle's Regt:     Trained,      1:1       48
Fitton's Regt:     Raw,       2:3        60
Stradling's Regt:     Raw,     1:2      72
1 x light cannon     Trained
1 x light cannon    Raw

Wentworth's Brigade of Foote     (LV1)
Gilbert Gerrard's Regt:     Raw,      1:1      48
Salisbury's Regt:      Raw,     2:3      60
Molyneux's Regt:     Raw,    2:3      60
1 x light cannon     Trained
1 x light cannon    Raw

Belasyse Brigade of Foote     (LV1)
Belasyse Regt:   Raw,     1:1     48
Blagg's Regt:    Raw,     1:1     64
Pennyman's Regt:    Raw,     1:1     64
1 x medium cannon      Trained
1 x light cannon       Raw

Nicholas Byron's Brigade of Foote     (LV2)
King's Lifeguard:    Trained,     1:1      72
Lord General's Regt:   Trained,   1:1     72
Beaumont's Regt:     Raw,      3:2     30
1 x light cannon      Raw
1 x heavy cannon     Trained

At Start Overview

At Start Overview

Balfour's Brigade

Wilmot and Digby's Brigades

Parliament Foote

Parliament Foote

Royalist Foote

Royalist Foote

Royalist Foote

Prince Rupert's Brigade

Prince Rupert's Brigade

NEXT: The battle commences.


  1. This looks amazing, Jon. Seeing the different tactical deployments of the two armies is striking.

  2. Fantastic...what an impressive table!

  3. Now that looks like a battle! That is the beauty of 6mm and your terrain and figures also pay off closer inspection - can't wait for the fighting to start.
    ECW re-enactment in the 70s? Snap! Hinchliffe? Still using them see:

    1. Those photos bring back memories Rob. That is a mighty fine collection there. I was in Sir William Wallers Regt of Foote 1971 - 1981 having risen to the lofty heights of Lieutenant! Pre health & safety days which saw plenty of bumps and bruises including the occasional hospitalisation!

    2. Prince Maurice's for me.

  4. Well done! 6mm big battles look great.

  5. Thoroughly superb post and table.

  6. Great information in the post Jon and the table and units are great. Thanks

  7. Very useful scenario info and the troops all deployed for battle really do look superb:)!

  8. Hi Jon, a wonderful table and excellent OOB. Regards Peter

  9. Still waiting for the battle with bated breath wondering how you're going to operate the Royalist Swedish formation/tactics. I've never seen a convincing, or referenced, description of how that formation is supposed to work in practice, especially the musketeers behind the leading pike block. Do you know?

    1. Hopefully not too long before I can get the AAR up on the blog. As usual real life getting in the way.

      With regard to the Swedish formations, I have found little reference within my own book collection as to how these worked but it would appear that in the actual battle they moved up to form a continuous line. Musketeers to the rear makes little sense but the Forlorn Hope fire combat rules are based on the musket/pike ratio so not too important where the musketeers are within the formation.

      Not much of a help I am afraid. So far, following the tactics of the day in plugging the gaps in the frontline appears to be working out ok but it is obvious why they went for the Dutch formation as a standard for the war.
