
Friday 8 September 2023

Britannia Campaign: Map Moves Turn 4

A reminder of the colour coding for the British tribes. Green - pacified, orange - allied, blue - rebelling. 

The events this turn saw the 2nd Legion defeat the Durotriges tribe and is now pacified. The 16th Legion moved north to the Iceni who remarkably agreed to be allies. Should they be trusted! The 9th Legion has moved north to the territory owned by the pacified Trinovantes prior to advancing towards the Catuvellauni.

A problem has arisen for the Romans however, when the normally amenable Cantii tribe have rebelled. The 20th Legion that had been held in reserve, move to deal with the rebellion and will be the subject of the next battle. 


  1. Never trust a Brit! Does this mean we won't have to wait long for another AAR? I do hope so.

    1. The blog has been a little quiet of late but hopefully back on track soon. I do have a game about to start which is a return to the Nap campaign.

  2. Spookily enough yes. Around 1,100 Spanish figures will be taking part.

  3. A nice little refresher there Jon and as always looking forward to some more of your excellent Napoleonic campaign games:).

    1. Many thanks Steve. Need to persuade my two young granddaughters to permit me time to wargame!
