
Saturday 20 May 2023

Defending the Malay Barrier: Turn 1, 16th - 31st December 1941, Hunt for the Convoy

Rear Admiral Arthur Palliser commanding the WESGROUP sweep breathes a sigh of relief having successfully evaded any Japanese patrols. It was now important to locate the Batu Kharu supply convoy to buy the allies time. His flagship, the heavy cruiser Exeter, with the light cruisers Dragon and Durban, the destroyers, Encounter, Jupiter, Scout and Tenedos, heads north straight into a force 8 gale. 

Visibility was heavily reduced and WESGROUP searched in vain. Unable to locate the convoy they head for home in Singapore.

Summary of all movements at the end of turn 1.

Several damaged Japanese ships are drydocked for repair bringing turn 1 to an end.

There will be a delay before I return to this campaign having switched to another era, the Roman invasion of Britain  which will be the subject of the next posting.


  1. Thanks for the campaign update Jon and I'm looking forward to seeing some Roman invasion action once again. IIRC the last battle was a bit of a corker:)!

  2. Good update, looking forward to the next chapter. Your Roman invasion sounds great fun as well,!

    1. Many thanks pancerni. Its a long overdue return to that campaign held up by the need to construct a hillfort. Reading Simon Scarrow's Macro and Cato series of books and playing Total War Rome 2 has fired me up to get stuck in!

  3. Hey Jon,
    I found your blog through the God's Own Scale Podcast! The basing system you discussed intrigued, so I had to take a look and see it with my own eyes. You have swayed me, it looks amazing and it gives me a lot of ideas. And right in time too as I have made an order with Baccus this week for a 13th century medieval project (My first 6mm project, which is way over due). Thank you for the idea!

    1. Great to see that you are starting out in 6mm Berg. Hope your medieval project goes well and if you are anything like me, mighty pleased with this scale.
