
Sunday 5 February 2023

Defending the Malay Barrier

After a couple of years painting the odd ship as a sideline to my main projects, I have finally decided to kickstart this campaign as a project. So as not to perpetually add to an ever-lengthening project list, I have cancelled the Kingmaker Wars of the Roses campaign. This was the only non-solo project but unfortunately my opponent found it difficult to find time when we were both available due to his job and child commitments.

The campaign is one of several from the Old Dominion Gameworks site Home ( Although based on the General Quarters 3 rules (which I shall be using), any set of WW2 naval rules can be used.

The campaign covers the early months of the war in the Pacific over 6 bi-weekly turns plus an optional turn 0 (8th - 15th December 1941) involving the sortie by Force Z. As this is a naval campaign, the land element is dealt with in the abstract. 

My campaign will include turn 0, the sweep by Force Z attempting to intercept the IJN Malayan invasion force. 

I will cover the campaign in more detail in future posts.


  1. Excellent concept, Jon, looking forward to it. But you're got to work in the air and land components, as well ;)


    1. Thanks Jack. Yes the air components are important and I will be using the air rules within GQ3. I will cover the concept of the land component in more detail in future posts but basically the allies must try and disrupt the invasion/supply convoys to hamper Japanese land operations which will have a bearing on the number of victory points either side can amass.

    2. Gotcha John, and thanks for the explanation. I dream of doing an all-encompassing (Land, Sea, Land, and Coastal) campaign in the Solomons. Very excited to see how your campaign comes off.


    3. Agh, shoot me! My apologies, "Jon," not "John"...


    4. The idea of doing the full campaign is very attractive and if I did not have quite so many other projects on the go it would be tempting. I am following the excellent weekly Youtube videos by Kings and Generals on the Pacific War which is what has probably sparked my enthusiasm to get this campaign up and running.
      All the best
      Jon (you are not the only one Jack that spells it as John - lol)

  2. I know nothing about this campaign, nor naval engagements in general, but am looking forward to seeing how this develops:).

    1. Many thanks Steve. As I replied to Jack above, I was inspired by the Kings and Generals Youtube videos.

  3. Looking forward to this: Dec 41 - Dec 42 in the Pacific (and Burma) is one of the most interesting periods of WW2, I love re-fighting it in "War in the Pacific": the combination of convoys, transport and naval combat is very exciting. Would love to do a minatures campaign version of it though.

    1. The attractive aspect of this campaign by ODW is that it looks both fun and not too bogged down in detail. The land element is tempting though!

  4. This sounds very interesting. Looking forward to your ships battling it out.

  5. Can't wait to see your fleets in action - I know little about this era other than Force Z and the Java Sea so it will be a fun learning experience.

  6. Replies
    1. Looking forward to getting it underway Jim (forgive the pun). Always had a soft spot for naval warfare, especially collecting and painting the ships!
