
Tuesday 1 February 2022

On the Workbench: More Pony Wars

There I was, table laid and all ready to go with the 'O' Group scenario 'Cristot'. Deployment phase completed and........ nothing! Equivalent to a screen freeze. I put it down to the wargamers version of the 'writers block'. A combination of interruptions, mostly real life, but partially the desire to get more figures painted stalled the game. 

Normally this would not be a problem but my aging brain was also wrestling with learning new rules and 'O' Group has plenty in there to get your head around. Gradually my motivation to play the game drained up to the point I finally surrendered and packed it away. This is not normally something I would do and at least have a go but with all enthusiasm gone I felt the need to get some Napoleonics on the tabletop with rules that I was familiar with.

As I write this the table is almost ready for the next game in my Peninsular War project, Tamames. An unusual battle in that the Spanish beat the French.

It is my intention to return to Cristot but the larger BKC4 version. I have a few figures and vehicles to paint first.

Now to the point of this blog post, the source of my distraction from the tabletop:

Another batch of 60 mounted braves completed and here is the collection to date, 360 of them. Just 240 to go!

Continued -

On the workbench in the production line on the left are primed Native villagers, chiefs and smoke signals, and on the right a wagon train.

On a previous post I detailed the use of rubber/steel sheets as roads/tracks. Having completed a number of dirt roads and based up my rail tracks I have now begun replacing my caulk roads. In the next day or so I will have enough for the Tamames game and you will see the results when I post the AAR.


  1. Wow, that's a boatload of Braves!

  2. Enthusiasm sapped by external happens lol. Altho on a personal note, whilst loving the TFL rules, esp. Picketts Charge & La Grande Armee, I could not manage to get my head around 'O' Group at all and decided to stick with BKC. Appreciate the different levels but BKC flows....for me anyway. Nice progress on Pony Wars too. Looking forward to Tamames.

    1. I was beginning to think it was just me! Relieved to hear I am not the only one struggling with 'O' Group. I agree about BKC and is more in tune with the level I like playing at for WW2.

    2. Great work on the Indians.

      6mm WWII is something I would like to do at some stage... I have heard good things about O Group in general, but now I am wondering, what is BKC?


    3. Many thanks Kym. BKC is Blitzkrieg Commander (I use version 4). If you want to know more click on the WW2 labels on the right. 'Recce in Strength' is the most recent. They will give you a flavour of how they play.

  3. Loss of mojo can be a curse but in this case it has a silver lining, for me at least, as it has pushed Tamames up your to do list.
    Those Indians look really impressive - you don't need all 600 for a game, and I still reckon you ought to do the rest on 5-man bases (irregular clusters) as you have more than enough singles, doubles, etc. for casualty removal.

    1. Many thanks Rob. Ref the 600. I have another 120 already purchased and have been toying with the idea of running the game with just the 480 completed. Will go with your suggestion especially with other projects lining up waiting for attention! Good point ref the basing. It is not just casualty removal but allowing figures to be placed in rather than on terrain pieces. That said it would make more sense to have some figures on larger bases for when large numbers are needed. May well do that for the last batch.

      Many thanks for your suggestions.

  4. A situation I'm sure we can all empathise with Jon. I have a planned BKCII campaign game all ready for the table but DIY is getting in the way of it making it onto the table, so will not set up until I come to a natural point where I can take a few days off.

    I have pondered getting 'O' Group, but have decided against it as they seem too detailed for me and I'm very happy with BKCII which I know so well. I did dig out a copy of his earlier Battle Group Panzer Grenadier rules that seem to have a lot in common, but were only around £5 on ebay. They have some good ideas in there, some of which I'm using the BKCII to see how they work.

    Finally the figures are impressive but I'm not sure I could summon up the will to paint so many of them! Looking forward to your Napoleonic game as always:).

    1. Many thanks for your observations Steve. I concur, 'O' Group is a little too detailed for me also although I do like the look of some of the mechanisms.

      All the best

  5. Fantastic Braves! And as for loss of mojo- don't stress. I have collections that i put together..then put in a cupboard. The mojo always comes back and you never regret the effort!

    1. Many thanks John. The fluctuating mojo is the curse of many a wargamer I am sure.
