
Sunday 2 January 2022

Plans for 2022

With the arrival of 2022 it is time to reveal my plans for the year! This will be broken down into Battles, Campaigns and Painting/modelling. 

There is potential for disruption this year with what should be my final house move - all being well in late March / early April. 

I will no longer have the benefit of a room within the house dedicated to wargaming although I have secured the smallest bedroom as my painting room and library. It will be back to the garage but I do not intend to endure the cold dusty environment of old. There are restrictions in our neighbourhood forbidding a full garage conversion to accommodation. They have to be retained in their primary purpose of car use (even though almost nobody uses them as such!). However, I have found at least one company that will insulate it and install a decent floor and ceiling. The garage door will have to be retained but that can also be insulated with all gaps sealed still allowing it to be used.

If all goes according to plan, I should be able to increase the maximum size of table to 8'3" (possibly even 9') x 4'6". The downside will be the time taken to complete the works which could halt my wargaming. If that proves to be the case I am considering a stop-gap of playing skirmish games such as Chain of Command which recommends a board size of 70cm x 50cm for 6mm. I may just be able to squeeze that into my painting room! 

With all that in mind on to my plans:

Continued - 


My Collections and Projects tab above will be regularly updated with future games but those listed below will be priorities.


Early Imperial Roman 2nd Augusta Legion v Ancient British Durotriges tribe in the west country.


Stoke Lane 1st July 1643.

Edgehill - a considerable number of figures need to be painted. I have included this battle as a possible although probably a long-shot for this year.


Peninsular War project - Battle of Tamames 18th October 1809 Spanish v French. 

Napoleonic Campaign - Grazzbenn (French v Prussians). This will be the largest game I will have played since Waterloo. It is ready to go but given its size I am waiting until after I have moved when I will hopefully have more space.


ACW fictional campaign - battles of Tenterfield and Dunbart.

Scenarios - I may well add an historical battle with Antietam looking promising. I would need to paint more figures though but all this will depend on Gettysburg:

Gettysburg Day 2 - I have been creating a map based on the Day 2 map in the original Fire and Fury rule book. My figure bases are 60% of the size of those used for 15mm in the rules which translates to a table 8'3" x 3'9" extending to 4'6". The garage upgrade (see above) will hopefully allow for that. Providing I can complete the terrain required I intend to play this before the year is out.


Rorkes Drift - Most of the figures have now been painted with just the terrain to be completed.


A priority to get the figures painted followed by terrain. I am optimistic (should not have said that!) a game or games will be played this year. 


Battle south of Nibeiwa - Operation Compass campaign

Groesbeek Heights - Op Market Garden

Cristot scenario - 'O' Group rules - see below.

I try to avoid the urge to buy every new wargames ruleset which is not an easy thing to do given the very tempting new offerings that appear. That said I do not rule it out completely and although I enjoy Blitzkrieg Commander IV there is room for improvement. Recently I have been paying closer attention to Dave Brown's latest WW2 offering, 'O' Group. I have now purchased them as a possible replacement for BKC or having them as an addition but at a different level. This could change the WW2 plans for the year trialling this ruleset and maybe even shoe-horning them into the Op Compass campaign.



Roman invasion of Britain. A hillfort needs to be constructed whereupon the next battle will be played set in the west country - Dorset of course!


Kingmaker campaign. Next map moves needed to be done. I am hopeful progress can be made during the course of the year.


Warplan 5/5 campaign to continue. The large battle of Grazzbenn to be played after my house move. I would hope more games are added later in the year.


Another Warplan 5/5 campaign. I hope to play both impending battles before the year is out.


Op Compass campaign to continue with 2 actions to be played including one in the Italian camps.


Targets for the year:

I shall be aiming for 3,000 x 6mm figures painted. My targets:

600 x Pony Wars
1000 x ECW  (Edgehill)
700 x Zulu Wars (Rorkes Drift)
400 x WW2  (Groesbeek Heights / Cristot)
300 Punic Wars (Trebia)

There is a high probability that Napoleonics will be added but no specific requirements as yet.

Terrain - 

Rorkes Drift
Pony Wars buildings, fort, mining camp + various mountain passes etc.
Gettysburg - more buildings and lots of fences!


  1. Jon and incredible agenda considering a major move in the middle of it all. I have the ‘O’ Group rules and am confident that they will appeal to you. You should get one of those die cast model cars in the generous scale and leave it parked up in the garage, so that original function can always be claimed :-)

    1. Many thanks Norm. Great idea ref the car. Do you know what? I doubt if anybody would notice! I do like Dave Brown's rules as you have probably gathered from the blog. I have watched the Lardy videos + other reviews and do look very promising.

  2. Some very interesting projects you have planned there Jon and I look forward to seeing how they progress over the year. Fingers crossed for the house move and non-garage conversion.

    I too have pondered the 'O' Group rules and may treat myself at some point this year. Currently I'm happy with BKCII and my own tweaks to them, but it's always good to get a fresh perspective on things now and then.

    1. Many thanks for that Steve. I am torn as I have grown rather fond of BKC. We shall see what 'O' Group brings.

  3. A great range of projects but 6mm makes them feasible and fun!

  4. Sounds like you already have a new property lined up judging by your plans for 'improving' it. I hope all goes well and to plan for your move. You're way ahead of us as we intend to move this year but haven't even decided exactly where.
    I shall keep my fingers crossed for Tamames.

    1. They actually started building our house at the beginning of last year! Feels like they have been adding a brick a day. Tamames will definitely be played this year and quite possibly before we move.

  5. Hurry up and move house quickly! I can't wait for the Battle of Grazzbenn - your blog, and especially the Napoleonic Campaign and Waterloo AAR kept me (relatively) sane through Covid, and even inspired me to have a go myself (in a muddled and half-arsed way), the results of which can be seen at

    Thankyou for all the great content, and good luck with the house move - I know these things can be difficult and invariably take longer and are more stressful than anticipated.

    1. Believe me Dave I am itching to get going with Grazzbenn. It will be first up on the tabletop as soon as I have converted the garage to hobby space. Could be a few months away yet but keeping my fingers crossed!

      I liked your blog. 20mm plastics.... now that brings back memories. A few years ago I dabbled again with a mix of Airfix, HAT and Esci AWI but fizzled out as 6mm took over. Great to see them in action on your blog.
