
Monday 8 November 2021

ACW Warplan Campaign: Map Moves 4 - 5

I have tidied up the maps which were a little messy in my attempt to represent many of the formations. Where several are now in the same square the topmost counter indicates the senior commander with the total number of troops under his command. 

On to the maps:


As the Union forces push north, the Confederate units in reserve are called forward.

Continued -
Ewell's rash move could prove very costly with Gibbon's Union division cutting off his line of retreat and Doubleday approaching from the east.

To the east, Hood decides to meet the threat to the peninsular head-on and moves this troops out with a view to consolidating his division in order to make a concentrated attack.


Contact is made!

Two battles will be fought, to the west, Tenterfield and to the east, Dunbart.

Ewell is in a spot of bother! Hancock's Corps succeeds in cutting off Ewell and now converges on his division. His weakness lay in Caldwell's division (with Hancock) who had suffered a battering at Krell. 

Ewell has sent a messenger to Hill requesting urgent support (actually a rescue!). I will dice to ascertain if that messenger gets through when fighting the battle. 

In the east, Humphrey's task of capturing the peninsular just got harder! Not anticipating the Rebels to be in such strength they are now faced with Hood's larger division at the battle of Dunbart.

I have not made a decision yet as to which will be played first. As soon as I have done so I will update the 'collections and projects' tab above.


  1. Two very different but intriguing battles to be fought there John. Ewell certainly appears to be in a spot of bother and has to pray that the messenger gets through in time.

  2. Situations like this is exactly what I love about campaigns! With playing it solo, you don't have to worry about the player caught at disadvantage getting grumpy, either; you can just let the story unfold through the game.

    1. I agree Peter. Solo play in campaigns such as this has a lot going for it.
