
Saturday 3 July 2021

WW2 Reconnaissance in Strength: Part 9 - Map 3



Continued -
Turn 1

The Russians again delay their advance to allow all units to catch up and organise themselves for the next phase. The downside being that it allows the Germans to organise their own defences unhindered.

An overview at the start of Turn 1. All Russian troops have been positioned for their advance into Map 3.

The naval battalion have now been thrust forward to form the left flank of the advance. The 1st Motorised is advancing along the road and through the wood with the 3rd Motorised and the T34's forming the right flank. The 2nd Motorised in trucks on the road are the reserve.

The view ahead towards woods spanning most of the valley floor.

The 1st Motorised with the anti-tank rifle company advancing through woods either side of the road.

The 3rd Motorised with the T34's.

More of the Russian deployment including the 120mm mortar battalion situated on the high ground in the village.

Empty Russian trucks line the road to be called forward if transport is needed.

A reasonable start for the Russians with most units activating. A bold and potentially rash decision by the Russian commander entailed most of his force making an overwhelming attack across the open ground between the woods. The 120mm mortars and field gun battalion were ready to provide support if required.
Turn 2

As the 3 Russian infantry battalions moved out across the open ground a concentrated artillery barrage landed on them. The 1st Motorised battalion was hardest hit with 9 units suppressed including the battalion HQ. This was immediately followed up by German rifle and mortar fire destroying a Russian MMG section.

To make matters worse for the Russians their force CO suffered a -2 to his CV for the next turn due to a command blunder.
Turn 3

The Germans hidden in the woods piled misery on the Russians with another Russian MMG lost to mortar fire.

The German off-table artillery FAO on the left, HQ in the centre and 81mm mortar on the right. The Panthers open fire on the T34's as they emerge from behind the infantry.

Command blunders and failures returned to dog the Russians at a time when they least needed it. The T34's advanced through the infantry to find themselves targeted by the Panthers. The first T34 brewed up spurring the others into action. Using opportunity fire the remaining 4 fired at the closest Panther but the only 2 hits they registered were saved. The Panthers opened fire a second time which proved just as deadly with another T34 destroyed.

Another artillery barrage proved less accurate which saved the 1st Motorised battalion. The deviation though landed on the 3rd Motorised which suffered 8 of its units suppressed including the HQ. The sniper team were blown to smithereens! 

The promised support from the 120mm mortars and field artillery did not materialise with both formations remaining quiet (command failures!).
Turn 4

A whole succession of command failures left the Russians largely immobile apart from the Naval battalion who received a double activations. They had a whiff of glory as they charged into the open space ready to drive the Germans from their lair. Unfortunately for them, that is where their activations ended.

Far from glory they found themselves under a concentrated barrage which destroyed their 120mm mortar team, a rifle platoon and their battalion HQ! Most of the rest were suppressed.

The rest of the Russian force watched on helplessly awaiting their fate from the rest of the Germans. After the barrage it was eerily quiet. The German positions were silent.
Turn 5

An overview at the end of turn 5 with the rest of Map 3 added.

With most of the Naval battalion suppressed there was just the matter of replacing the HQ. They were very lucky indeed as the replacement commander was of better quality gaining +1 to his Command Value.

With most of the Recce battalion destroyed, the battalion recce platoons were detached to scout the woods ahead.
Turns 6 - 7

As turn 6 - 7 were all about manoeuvre I have combined them to the following photos. Here the Naval battalion is about to enter the woods.

Russian armour and infantry move steadily through the wood having been declared clear of German troops by the recce platoons.

Empty transport trucks are brought forward.

The 2nd Motorised battalion remaining in their trucks are held in reserve. 

The naval recce platoon are the first to reach the northern perimeter of the woods.

This is what awaits them!
Turn 8

All Russian infantry and armour are now moving through the woods. The 120mm mortar battalion are brought forward (upper middle).
I will leave Map 3 here for reasons that will become apparent in the next and final instalment of the campaign.


  1. Very interesting Jon, are the Russians in for a surprise???

    1. Lets just say a momentary sigh of relief followed by apprehension!

  2. Well the poor old Russians took a bit of a pasting, getting hit time and again by the German artillery, which sounds horribly familiar! Facing British artillery is even worse in my experience, ditto German on table mortars, both of which can be game changing.

    I'm rather apprehensive about what the Russians will face in the next action...

    As always a lovely looking game with great photos and this mini-campaign has re-ignited my interest in the Eastern Front:)

    1. Many thanks Steve. The Russians are certainly going to have to get it together for the final push!

  3. Looks like they need the RAG or the DAG to speak. Oh, wait, that's not for a recon to tap. Gulp.

  4. Wow, well that was unexpected! Great stuff, Jon, and once again, those closeups of your 6mm troops and terrain really take my breath away.


  5. The rolling German defence is working well for them. The Russians cannot bring their numbers to bear.
    You have really whet our appetites for the next phase!
    Regards, James

    1. The superior German command is certainly giving the Russians plenty of headaches!
