
Friday 30 July 2021

On the Workbench: Napoleonic Prussian 28th (Berg) Infantry Regiment

The next battle in my Napoleonic campaign is Grazzbenn which sees a large Prussian army pitted against Napoleon. Over 5,000 figures will be on the tabletop, 3,000 of which are Prussians.

On examining the orders of battle I found I was several Prussian units short amounting to over 700 figures. It gave me an opportunity to further build on my Prussian collection bringing my long term aim of refighting Ligny and Wavre a step closer.

One of the more interesting units to paint was the 28th Infantry regiment. This was a Berg unit and differed from the standard Prussian line and reserve regiments in having a white uniform.

I used Baccus French line infantry being fairly close to the illustrations of these troops. I can find no record of flags issued to the 28th in 1815 but gave their 1st and 2nd battalions generic Prussian standards to more easily identify them.  


  1. Those look great Jon and I'm really looking forward to seeing a return of your Napoleonic games to the table:)

  2. Lovely figures that have really benefitted from careful painting. Also glad for a chance to see your Napoleonics in action again. In my experience with 6mm, the choice of brush is really important - just wondered whether you have any advice as I'm always impressed with your painting style. Many thanks.

    1. Many thanks for your kind comments. My artistic skills are very basic to say the least so tend to keep my figure painting simple. Basically prime black and then block painting the detail leaving black for shade. It is not the quickest method and although I occasionally do use washes I have had very mixed results. Best advice I can give is give it a try on a few figures and see if you are comfortable with that style.

  3. Thanks Jon, much appreciated. Looking forward to the next instalment !

  4. These would've been ideal candidates for a multi-purpose unit in greatcoats and shako covers. IIRC I read somewher ethey wore their greatcoast to avoid being mistaken for French, also I suspect thay didn't carry flags which makes than even more multi-purpose.
    Having said that my 6mm 28th Regt wear their whitecoats with pride and seem to fight all the better for it.

    1. Generic regiments are a good idea Rob but nice to know that your wee chappies fight all the better for their allocated white coats. Hopefully mine will stand up well to the French in their forthcoming encounter.
