
Sunday 11 April 2021

Ancients Rules

Due to popular request I have added my Ancients rules as a label on the crossbar at the top of the page. As they are modified or added to I will update that page.

If you are not satisfied with the current crop of rules, hopefully you will find something of use or even give you ideas of your own.

David Brown, the General de Brigade rules writer, has commented on the 'Gods Own Scale Podcast'  blog post that he is currently working on a Big Battles Ancient ruleset. One definitely to watch out for and I can certainly feel another purchase coming on!


  1. Jon

    Many thanks, that’s great. I’ll look forward to giving them a go.


  2. Hi Jon

    Well, every section seems to have had a tweak or a twist added which at first looks as though it will play out well.
    Again your thoroughness comes through with your way of working casualties etc.

    These make this a 6mm / 10mm ancients gamers go to set.
    I hope Mr Brown is taking notes and referring back to you.

    Regards Peter

    1. Many thanks for that Peter. There is still much work to be done on these although mainly tweaking.
      All the best
