
Wednesday 3 March 2021

On The Workbench: ECW Bluecoat Regt

I finally received my repaired lens back today for the camera. That damned Covid has a lot to answer for! Tomorrow I will start the ACW campaign battle of Isserlohn but in the meantime a taster of what I have been up to in the absence of gaming. And also to try out my repaired lens!

This is one of a number of ECW units completed and the largest. A Parliamentarian bluecoat regiment. Although a generic unit it will represent Chomley's regiment at Edgehill.

There are 104 figures on the regiment, 40 Pike and 64 Musketeers. I will cover how I arrived at various sizes and quality of units in more detail when posting an AAR of Edgehill in due course. But briefly I used the army list guides contained within the Forlorn Hope rules dicing to determine the size, pike to musket ratio and troop quality of each regiment.


  1. Great that you've got your camera back Jon:). The ECW regiment looks superb and the blue has just the right amount of zing to pop but not look too bright.

  2. A welcome return. The figures look excellent - really high quality brushwork.

  3. Wonderful news that you are back up and running Jon!

    And great looking regiment, ready to defend their country against the tyranny of Kings!! Just out of interest, what paint did you use for the blue? It pops really nicely.

    1. Many thanks E Gilhead. It is Coat d'Arms 207 dark blue. Unfortunately their new pots are a darker shade which is frustrating to put it mildly. I have been using this blue on my French Naps and so far been unable to find an equivalent with other manufacturers.

  4. Lovely work as usual Jon

    Stay safe and well.

  5. Nice looking unit 6mm at it's best

  6. A very handsome looking regiment of Foote there, Jon!
