
Monday 22 March 2021

God's Own Scale Podcast

After all this typing and photographing you can now hear me wax lyrical about wargaming on the latest episode of Gods Own Scale Podcast. Sean very kindly invited me on his excellent podcast and with it being a first for me, just hope I did it justice! Have to say I had a great time and Sean is a superb interviewer.

You can find the podcast here and also available on itunes etc. 


  1. I shall try and listen to this Jon, but have a track record of completing forgetting to due to the usual family distractions etc!

    1. Know the feeling Steve. I tend to listen to podcasts when painting. Pretty much only time I get to do so.

    2. Well I did get around to listening to this this morning and enjoyed it very much. I can see why you love GdeBde as a set of rules, which one day I may explore, you never know. The whole solo wargaming bit I can completely relate too as well as the joy of campaigns, whether short or long. I think if I were to start from scratch now, it would be 6mm, but I have too much invested in 10mm in terms of figures and more importantly terrain, but you never know;)

    3. I came extremely close in opting for 10mm especially given the superb figures produced by Pendraken. I know what you mean about having invested so much in 10mm. For me it was easier going from 15mm as there was such a big difference, but even so it was a wrench given that it was a collection built up over 20 years.

  2. Thanks Jon, I think a whole bunch of us came into wargaming along the same path, Airfix at Woolworths and passions ignited.

    1. Thanks Norm. A good deal of happy memories including using Airfix figures in a multitude of periods. I can recall using WW1 US troops as Americans in the AWI and my Highlanders everything British!

  3. Superb interview, listened while driving to work, so drove sloooow, to hear it all.

    PS. you mentioned small Napoleonic ships, have you seen 'Forged in Battle' 1/3000? (would match your WW2 ) :-)

    1. Many thanks Steve. No I have not see the Forged in Battle models - will check them out. Thanks for the tip.

  4. I have been slowly migrating to 6mm, with 3 Nap armies, WoR, ACW, Desert WW2 and Germans for Normandy/Arnhem,(plus WW2 GQ3 Navies and BtH North Africa and BoB) but I have been hanging onto a 'few' 20/28 for skirmish rules and 15mm Naps/Ancients.. I have considered abandoning the 'larger' scales altogether, and listening to you is making me consider the space implications of the larger scales

    1. That mirrors my experience Steve. It was the realisation that my 15mm will rarely see the tabletop that decided their fate! That and the fact that I will not have enough time left on the planet to complete my 6mm ambitions let alone anything else.

  5. Excellent podcast. Very interesting. Many thanks 😁

  6. Hello Jon:
    Half way through the interview and enjoying it greatly. Very happy to discover your excellent blog and shall put a link to it on mine. Cheers from Canada, Michael

    1. Really pleased you are liking the podcast and also the blog Michael. I will also add a link to your superb blog (liked the references to 'Allo 'Allo!).
      All the best, Jon

  7. Hi Jon. I really enjoyed your interview with Sean and since then I have been devouring your Napoleonic Campaign. You have really inspired me and shown how I could potentially run a campaign myself, but get my gaming mates to help play the battles - under strict orders of course!
    I have also just started to look through your Waterloo battle; OMG! The picture across the French Front line, over the tree with the gleaming bayonets and flags, wow, just wow!
    You have me hooked and I look forward to the continuation of your campaign with baited breath. Can the French break into Youngsport? Can the Prussians re-form and mount any credible defence of Prussia? Can Col Best and the Mighty Hanoverians save the day with a bold flank attack on the French army in Holland?
    Superb work Sir. I Salute you!

    1. Oh - By the way, my name is Paul. I'm from Australia and I have the 1815 French 3rd Corp, 1815 Prussian 3rd Corp, the Saxon Corp (i.e. the entire Saxon Army of 1810+), 1815 Allies (British) 1st Corp (minus the 3rd Dutch/Belgium Div) and a smattering of Guard units and Heavy Cavalries from all of my armies - All in 6mm (of course). Mostly Irregular miniatures with a few hand-me-downs of unknown origin.

    2. Many thanks for your kind comments Paul, much appreciated and pleased you are enjoying the blog.

      Looks like you have a really nice collection of Naps there. Over the years I have purchased many items from Irregular Miniatures including recently some druids for my Ancient Britons. They are one of the best companies out there for customer service.

      Good to see that my blog is being followed in Australia too.
      All the best

  8. Just caught this podcast.

    Thank you very much for your kind words regarding General de Brigade.

    FYI - I'm currently working on a "big battle" Ancient rule set.....


    1. No problem David, one of the best rulesets out there especially for Napoleonics. Will definitely be interested in your Ancient rules which could well put to bed my amateurish efforts!
      All the best
