
Tuesday 9 March 2021

ACW Warplan Campaign: Map Moves 2 - 3

 A reminder of the Union plans:

Continued -
Now onto the map moves:

Move 2
The Confederate cavalry steadily withdraws not risking any further skirmishes. Units of the Union 1st, 2nd and 3rd Corps advance and so far all goes according to plan. The Confederates have not made any significant moves as yet electing to ascertain the main Union threats before doing so. Many of their units have access to railroads allowing for rapid movement of reinforcements.

Move 3

For the most part the Confederate forces fall back in the face of the much larger Union forces, with one exception:

To the south west Ewell receives a message from Scott's Brigade of Union troops approaching his position estimated at no more than Divisional strength. He sees an opportunity of giving the Union a bloody nose and throwing them off-balance. With Taylor's brigade and the divisional artillery, he marches west rendezvousing with Scott's brigade as he falls back keeping his distance from the advancing Union troops.

The Union 2nd Corps commander, Hancock, with Caldwell's division observe deployed Confederate troops ahead of them. The order is given to deploy and so the first battle of the campaign commences.



  1. Thanks for the update Jon:). Hmmm, is Ewell's move sound or too risky, with Hays and Gibbon on his flanks? I'm looking forward of course to the battle and the after effects of it upon the campaign, especially in relation to Hays and Gibbon.

    1. Certainly risky Steve. He will either be hero or villain following this.

  2. Jon,
    Your report reminds me of the old cowboy Western TV serials I watched as a kid. Take the audience to the brink, then break ... stay tuned for next week's episode. You make this fun to read and follow.

    I recall you added railroad lines to the campaign maps. Have they come into play yet, or do you think they will? If yes, then at the campaign movement level or battle level? I'm curious. I created an ACW campaign map based on a Civil War map of Northern Virginia (from Washington DC down to Richmond) and it showed actual rail lines. I drew them into the map. I used them at the campaign movement level to move units from town to town more rapidly, sort of like the old Chutes and Ladders boardgame. I was wondering how you would use them.

    Meantime I'm waiting with anticipation of the next action. I suspect the Confederacy will take a beating, but sometimes you never know.

    1. Thanks Dale. I have kept the rules simple for train transportation. Each train can carry 60 infantry, 20 cavalry or 5 cannon. Move 20 squares per day. No limit on train numbers but must be at least 5 squares apart.

      Ewell has certainly taken a chance here but as you say, hard to predict the outcome.
