
Thursday 3 December 2020

Market Garden: XXX Corps Breakout Preview

Still on a WW2 theme I bring a preview of my next game, "XXX Corps Breakout", the first game of my Operation Market Garden project. This is to play through the scenarios in the Rapid Fire 'Market Garden' supplement and possibly turning it into a campaign.

Details of the game will be provided on the AAR which should be completed fairly soon. In the meantime I am posting photos of the German position through which XXX Corps will have to fight. All the figures and vehicles are by Heroics & Ros.

XXX Corps will arrive along the road in the foreground and all armour must remain on it until they reach Valkenswaard in the distance.

Continued -

This will hopefully give you a flavour of the game to come and as mentioned at the start, full details will be provided in the AAR.


  1. Looks great Jon
    Would you mind sharing the scenario - so can see more about the detail?
    Thanks so much for showing us this great game

    1. Many thanks Adam. Yes this is just the preview. Next up, hopefully fairly soon, will be the full AAR which will contain orbats and the more of the scenario details.

    2. Jon, The terrain looks amazing and the breakout of XXX Corps reminds me much of SPI Highway to the Reich, back in the day, and the scene in a "Bridge too Far", brilliant stuff. I will be following this closely and looking forward to it. Another cracker akin to Waterloo !

    3. Many thanks for that BKC Grenadier.

  2. Jon, you put on a grand table.

  3. That's a joy to behold Jon as always. I've dabbled in bits of this campaign over the years and on my 'to-do' list is to play it as a series of linked games, creating a narrative campaign. I have plenty of reference material and lots of toys, but most of them unpainted:(. So as you can imagine I shall be following this with great interest.

    1. Many thanks Steve. Ideally I would like to turn this into a campaign but in danger of going into campaign overload! I shall record the casualties with a view to possible extension into a campaign of some sorts.

    2. Ah yes, probably a wise move given your other campaigns you have on the go!

    3. Very impressive setup, this is going to be very enjoyable!

  4. Lovely looking table, Jon. I look forward to the action!

  5. Sensational Jon! Your terrain is picture-perfect and you photograph it so well; good lighting and fine subjects!
    Regards, James
